Saturday 5 September 2015

When people succeed in life, it is because of hard work

TOEFL Essay 1 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

When people succeed in life, it is because of hard work. Being lucky has nothing to do with success in life.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Sample Answer 1:
Who does not desire success? But being victorious is not that easy, especially in this ever-increasing competitive era. Some express their view that without the favor of luck, we cannot become triumphant in life while others totally disagree as they opine that hard work is the mantra to achieving success. I personally agree with the latter group who believe persistent work is the key to success in life.

To begin with, the world events or someone's fate is not random, rather both are based on some prerequisite and actions. From this regards, doing nothing and blaming the fate for our misery is a foolish act. Successful people in the history were not suddenly promoted by luck, rather they dedicated their life for achieving their goal. Likewise, industrial animals do not suffer from the scarcity of food while the opposite is observed in the mother nature. This also teaches us the importance of diligent work in life.

Many people would argue that some people are more successful than others despite hard words done by these both groups. However, a careful examination would reveal that there are some other attributes besides hard works that have also made the difference. These qualities often include talent, timely decision, and determination. However, all qualities would go in vain if the persistent work is absent. Take Bill Gates as an example who has become the greatest software engineer and a world renowned philanthropist and few people would say that he was tremendously lucky. I believe the luck favors the determined and hard working people as it did to Bill Gates.

To conclude, luck is what we make our life, not what some arbitrary events determine it. History suggests that hard working and determined people are winners in the world and this is why someone's success is piled up on the amount of work and dedication, not the twist of the fate. 

(Word Count = 318)

Model Answer 2:
Success is the most desired thing in the entire world and people are always after it. Their pursuit of success is never ending and thus some of them turn successful while some others do not get so. Why does it happen? What is the key cause of the failure to get success when many of the success-seekers are attaining it? The answer is simple. It needs hard work. I entirely agree with the statement - When people are successful in life, it is mostly because of their devotion to their work, luck has very little to do with success in our life.

Without struggling enough and working hard, one cannot think of success. There is a popular saying – “Industry is the key to success”. So, if you are on the view that success will be attained only by the dint of your luck, then you are walking in the wrong direction. Success never knocks on the door of those who consider themselves as lucky rather people invite it to be a part of their life. There is none in the world who has attained success without any struggle or investing hard labor for the purposes they were after. A large number of discoveries have been made till the date and all of them required long term relentless efforts by the people who were after that. They tried for hundred times to make a single effective invention. Take Thomas Alva Edison as an example who tried several hundred times to come out with an effective light bulb. When his assistant got tired of the effort, Tomas Edison gave his one of the most famous quote and realization – “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work”. Luck does not bestow us with the blessing we have, hard work does.

Again, there are lots of people who have climbed on the summit of their respective arena and it was possible for their struggle, their relentless efforts and not giving up attitude. If someone gives up the initiatives, s/ he never would be able to shine in the upcoming days. Failures make people stronger. But many of the people do not try fearing failures and consequently, cannot reach to success. They are on the view that if that is for them, they certainly will get that without any trouble. But they are unaware that to be fortunate enough to get the success in any of the issues in life, they need to be bold. They will certainly have that in exchange for their hard work and sincerity. Take any artist or scientist as an example and hard work, dedication and commitment would be the root for their success, luck did nothing for them.

In conclusion, the world history, and our life are prime examples of hard work. Being lucky means getting rewards from the hard effort we put for achieving something.

(Word Count = 480)

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