Saturday 3 October 2015

Compare and contrast your way of life with that of your parents

TOEFL Essay 14 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 


Compare and contrast your way of life with that of your parents. Which way of life do you think would be more satisfying to future generations?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
This is the age of science and technology and the humans are at its peak. Life has been made comfortable and complicated as well. However, in earlier days, life was not that much comfortable as it is today but there were fewer complexities.

I was born and brought up in a city and my lifestyle is entirely different from that one of my parents. I used to live in a large apartment block with my parents. My education began at an early age and the load of the textbooks was truly heavy for me in those days.  Moreover, we did not have any open space or playing field left for spending our leisure hours. But the scenario was completely opposites for my parents in their early days when I was told about the childhood of parents.

My father lived with his parents in a countryside filled with trees and there was a river in a short distance of the house they lived in. He used to take a bath in the river stream and fishing on the river was a very common issue for him in his school holidays. My mother also had the same living condition in her country areas. Both of them have enjoyed the natural environment but in my early days, I missed those for the mechanization and extreme urbanization.

My parents did not have to study so much as I had to in my childhood. They had the chance to explore the nature in the country sides but I did not get such options. Moreover, in the early days of my parents, the lifestyle was not that much developed and as a result, life was easy and hassle free. But I experienced few complexities due to the technological revolution that started taking place from my age.

With the advancement of time, people started becoming self-centered. They turned into emotionless being for the self-centered attitudes. But the social system was different for my parents. They got the chances to mix with people and people came for help selflessly for others. The social bonding and communal harmony are more prevalent in the country sides today as it was before.    

For instance, when my father was in a personal stress regarding the marriage with my mother, the entire country people including the relations and non-relations were present there and offered every sort of help (told by my father) and the practice is still continued. As a result, the communal bonding among the people is stronger than the people living in the urban zones. But such scenarios are unavailable in the city lifestyle. They lack the time and will to perform such selfless acts.

Therefore, to me, it appears that the lifestyle followed in the country sides is more suitable for the future generations. I do not point that they will be spoiled by living in the cities, but if they are allowed to live near Nature, they would be more humane, more sensitive to others feelings. In city life, they turn self-centered with a virtual environment, but if they are in country sides, they will have chances to take a deep breath in the fresh air. Social values will be increased and finally, they would be prepared with the necessary features to lead a social life in a perfect manner.

(Word count = 553 )

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