Thursday 22 October 2015

Some people prefer to eat at restaurants while others at home

TOEFL Essay 22 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Food is the most important element for living on the planet and we cannot do without it. All the activities people do are aimed to gather foods for themselves and surrounding members. But foods habits are different like some people prefer foods at a restaurant while some other prefer taking foods at home.

There are different reasons behind the choice. This is a fast paced world and majority of the people are busy with their respective professional activities to earn their livelihood. As a result, the number of busy people is more than the people with leisure hours. To keep balance with their work and daily activities, they are to always be in a rush and most of the time they prefer foods from restaurants or food stands. Since they are highly occupied with their professional activities, they lack the time to prepare foods at home and mostly get foods on their way to office or workplaces.

But there are some other people who never take foods out of the home. They are always conscious about their health. Most of the foods prepared at restaurants or food stands are not prepared well and having those may raise the weight level too.  Moreover, the foods are at times unhealthy and prepared with excessive spices which decrease the tastes of the foods. So, they are reluctant taking foods at restaurants or outside. But they occasionally visit the restaurants to taste some special foods or to attend any invitation which is a different issue.

Usually, I take my foods at home. I do not prefer the outside foods for some specific reasons. The first and important factor is the preparation process. Most of the time the foods I had taken outside were not prepared well. I found different external objects from the foods which were inedible and bad for health. So, I gave up taking foods at restaurants or outside.

Though it becomes a bit difficult for me to prepare foods always at home, I do it for my own. The home made foods are tasty and healthy; they are cleaned well before preparation and could be preserved for a longer time. Besides, the foods at restaurants are costly too and if I continue eating at eateries, it would be a bit of troublesome to me. Tipping is another fact in restaurants to consider and you are to pay tip nowadays even if the services are not satisfactory. It has become a standard practice.

Therefore, for all those reasons I think it is important to take foods at home and I take all of my meals at home. But when we friends meet together or to attend any party arranged at any specific restaurant, I pay the visit.

(Word count = 458 )

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