Monday 21 September 2015

University students should be required to attend classes

TOEFL Essay 11 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with?

Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Model Answer:
University is considered as the top most interesting place to learn about the world. The degrees achieved in universities is not mere degrees, those are something more than an evidence of participating in a university. Universal issues are taught at the universities and thus the spread of the word ‘university’ is more influential.

Usually, the universities provide knowledge over different issues. Students enroll them with universities to get deeper subject knowledge. So, they are to attend classes to be aware of the issues and participate in the discussion session to express their point of views on the issue. Some of the quarters are on the view that attending university classes should be made optional. I am against the view for some specific reasons. The most important reason is that if the students remain absent in the classes, they will be unable to learn the knowledge they are supposed to learn. Students who do not attend class think that they will take the lessons from their classmates or get the lecture copies to go through later.

But in reality, they get deprived of the knowledge. Their efforts turn into failure making chances to meet with the teacher for the lectures once the lectures are done in the class. Finally, they are to regret before their examination or when it is needed in their real life situations.

Moreover, when the classes are made optional for the university students, they become reluctant to attend the class. They are seen participating in examinations only and the results are certainly unwanted. They spend most of their time idly or by gossiping with friends and consequently they lose their merits.

A university student needs to pass few tougher tests before enrolling in the university, and thus it should be considered that they students are meritorious. When they do not exercise their merits properly with the discussion with the teachers or the classmates, the merits gradually vanishes. Accordingly, they become addicted to different bad habits and form groups where all the members are of same class, spend time together idly and unfortunately turn into failure in their respective career.
It happens for they do not have knowledge inside them except the certification of the university. They have nothing to invest in becoming successful in their career and in personal life. The nation loses merits. The sharp brains are ruined.

So, I believe that attending class in university level is the best way to get the desired knowledge. But there might be some exceptions too. Unintentional absence may happen but the students are to check the issues that make them absent in the class. In fact, nothing could be more important than attending a class. Knowledge is disseminated there and they should grab it.

(Word count = 456 )

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