Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 March 2017

People should read only books about real events

TOEFL Essay 66 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts.

Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
Reading books is a hobby for many people while some other people use books for meeting their necessities only. But it is not mandatory that people should read only the books written based on real events or people. I strongly oppose the idea for the following reasons.

Books are considered as the storehouse of knowledge. People read books for a wide number of purposes that cannot be identified in a single line. But they need books in their everyday life. Many of the readers search some specific information or knowledge from the books to be applied to their needs. So, reading only the books based on real events or people may not suit this purposes. The books based on real events are better known as non-fiction books. They do not contain any fictional elements and thus may provide pleasure to the readers. But the readers who are seeking some specific information may not have that on the books.

Besides, reading the non-fictional books shrink the imagination of the readers. For instance, they may not be able to imagine about a fairy land while reading a biography. Rather, the reader will be stuck on the life events of the writer or of any particular person. Here the chances of imagination are missing. If a book is unable to make it readers think, it should be admitted that the book’s plot is unworthy of reading. In fact, the books should be written in such a descriptive way that the readers will visualize the events before them. And this is possible by the fictional books. When the reader will go through the lines, the fictional plots are able to make them visualize the event. In some cases, the readers start comparing them with the fictional characters which is not possible while reading a real event based book.

Moreover, the books with fictional plots help the readers to be updated with the latest information and matter related to the book plot which is also a benefit of such books.

Considering the reasons, I think, it is better to read books based on fictional plot instead of inspired by real events, people or facts.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Which of the methods of learning is best for you?

TOEFL Essay 65 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you?

Use specific examples to support your choice.

Model Answer:
Learning is a never ending process. But learning system differs. Some like to learn by performing themselves while some other like reading to learn or listen from others to learn. But doings things to learn is the best option to me. In fact, it has some advantages. The reasons are as followed.

Firstly, learning is a continuous process and you will need to keep practising for a long time to master the art. In this case, reading or listening to others is not that much effective, believe experts. Only performing things several times will help to remember the lesson or work. But if it is only read or listened, the knowledge will get in the brain as it is desired. For instance, we see lots of things and read lots of texts. But how many of the things influence us? Or how many of the read texts we can remember? Certainly, the answer will be – a few. Why does this happen? There are some exact reasons. We cannot cope up with everything we see or listen. Actually, we need practice.

Moreover, learning capacity is different for every individual and this is natural. But studies have found that people who learn things by doings practically can remember the matters more clearly than other types of people who do not practice. This is really an important matter to consider while learning something. An instance might make the issue clearer. Before learning to drive vehicles, I did not have any idea how the motor vehicles worked and how to drive them. So, I tried to gather knowledge about driving from various sources. But they were of no use to me. When I got admitted to a local driving school and started practical classes, driving appeared simple to me. I made mistakes and I learnt from the mistakes. But if I continued reading the materials on driving, I am sure that I would not have been successful to learn driving in two weeks.

Based on the reasons above, getting engaged in things that I want to learn is the best-suited way for me. There are people who can learn by following other ways but the learnings do not last long.

Friday 17 February 2017

Difficultexperiences in lives become valuable lessons for the future

TOEFL Essay 62 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future.

Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.

Model Answer:
Living a life is filled with various types of experiences. Some of those are difficult while some others are sweet. But the difficult experiences make people stronger and provide valuable lessons for future use. I agree with the statement and the reasons are as followed.

When people lead a comfortable life, it really becomes difficult for them to understand what the reality is. They actually do not have any idea how the real situations are in a life until they commit any mistake. In fact, it is the mistake that makes them learn newer things. Every mistake becomes an experience for them. When people are in such situations, they may have to tolerate the events and adjust with the unwanted situations but at a later stage, the mistakes would be their great friends. They will not commit the same mistake twice and could avoid the undesirable situations.

Besides, a negative experience helps to increase the confidence level among people who undergo them. Initially, the people suffering from the experiences may not realize that they are having a test but once the situations are gone, they get a better confidence level than the average people. The strength that they show during this period of trouble becomes helpful to them. And when the confidence level is up, people can do all the possible things. So, this is a benefit of the difficult times. The moments actually help to make people stronger. When I was a kid, my parents told me to attentive to my studies. They had set a daily routine for me and I needed to follow that strictly. The days and nights appeared difficult to pass. But now, I am having the benefits of maintaining the routine. The days in childhood have helped me to be stronger that the other people.

Furthermore, when someone is in a difficult time, it helps them to gain more knowledge on particular issues. So, when they face the similar situations again, they can deal with the events easily. It was tough for me to learn to work in computer following some grammar, and now I am quite comfortable in it.

So, the statement is entirely true and difficult times really make people stronger than ever.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Students nowadays can learn more information

TOEFL Essay 62 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
This is the advanced age and technology is everywhere. The use of technology has covered all the spheres of life including education as well. So, it has become easier for the students to learn newer information and focus on their studies. I completely agree with the statement for the following reasons.

Technology is a constant tool for the students. They can get help from this tool in various ways. The most important issue about technology is that the students can get help from it at any time of the day. In past, students had to meet their teachers to know about any specific issue. But with the improved technology, they do not need to wait for any more for their teachers. They can get the knowledge from the Internet or from any other sources. Moreover, using technology for gathering knowledge does not consume time at all. This is a quicker process. And it also requires a lower cost to apply for academic purposes.

Besides, with the use of technology, education has become easier than ever. Earlier, the teachers used to take classes using books. All the students also had to carry the books and to be frank, it was really an unwanted matter for the majority of the students. Punishments for not bringing books was a common issue from the teachers. But with the help of technology, education has become changed. The teachers do not use books to teach in the class rather they prefer multimedia systems for teaching. This is a rapid change in the education and helping the students to learn quickly. The multimedia system allows adding data, images and other necessary tools for easy learning of the students. Distance learning is another impressive benefit by the technology.

To conclude the discussion, it appears that technology is really an important tool in the present day for the development of education. It is a better way for the students to learn something new. They do not even need to be physically present in the classrooms to learn something new or attend the class. They can do the activities sitting at home. Only technology has made it for them. So, undoubtedly technology is a great tool for the students.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves

TOEFL Essay 39 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer?

Use specific reasons to develop your essay.

Model Answer:
Without a teacher, it is really hard to learn something new. In fact, having a teacher is always better than learning without a teacher. I would like to support the second statement of the essay for some specific grounds. The reasons are as followed.

A teacher is a person who helps to learn something new. So, if you want to learn something newer, you need to take the support from your teacher or instructor. The person is skilled with the right amount of knowledge that s/ he will teach you. If the teacher is unskilled or does not have the right knowledge, it is impossible for him to teach the students. So, the teachers are always armed with the updated knowledge and information that they need for teaching their students. Besides, they also help to learn any specific thing in some easy manners. As a result, the students are able to learn quickly and effectively.

In contrary, learning without a teacher is a very complex process. It does not help the learner to get the things effectively. As you do not have any instructor, you will need to learn all by yourself. So, when you are applying all of your knowledge, you will be unable to move faster with the learning. It is natural because you do not have any prior ideas or skills about the matter. But if you had a teacher, you could have learnt it easily. An example will make it clearer.

Last year, I tried hard to learn the Japanese language. So, I bought a book to learn the language in a month. But it was really hard for me to learn the language within a month. In fact, I failed to know even the basics of the language. But once I got admitted at a Japanese Language learning school, my learning became faster. The language instructor helped me greatly to learn the language effectively. Now I am pursuing my higher study in Japan and can communicate effectively with the language. But if I continued to learn by myself, I would not have been successful.

Therefore, it appears that there is no denial in the fact that learning with a teacher is always better than to learn by oneself.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Some students prefer to attend a small university

TOEFL Essay 34 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Some students prefer to attend a small university. Others prefer to attend a big university. Discuss the advantages of each. Then indicate which type of university you prefer?

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Model Answer:
University education helps to explore the life to the fullest extent. So everyone tries to get admitted in universities while some of the students prefer small universities, and the rest others want to be in larger universities. A comparative discussion here will help to get some ideas about both types of universities.

A small university student gets some advantages. First of all, the university being small, everyone becomes familiar with each other and the communication with teachers and professors become easier. The classrooms are smaller and the teachers can focus on every student. Besides, the smaller universities are free of bureaucracy. For instance, you need to get an important document (such as your academic transcript) and you can get that easily from a small university. Moreover, your assignments and other works will be more focused in such universities. The professors can have much time to concentrate on your works.

A small university student is proud for having a very strong advising system. Since s/ he is closely interconnected with the professors (not teaching assistants), s/ he can have the chances to get the right advice at the right moment for academic excellence.

On the other side, a student in a big university enjoys more other freedoms. Firstly, the students of a large university have options to pick their courses from a wide arena. They can also customize their curriculum in the case of necessity. A large university means a large classroom and the chances to form a large community.

Further, a large university usually comes with features like accommodation, library, medical facilities, gymnasium and much more. Such facilities are helping to grow the students to the desired level. In fact, such facilities are necessary to expand their mental faculty. If you consider yourself a big fish, you cannot live in a small pond. Similarly, if you consider yourself intelligent and smart, you would not be able to get real satisfaction without studying at a large university. Besides, you will also get financial advantages from a large university.    

Basically, being an extrovert nature, it is impossible for me to study in a small university. I want to be with more people and participate in extracurricular activities. Therefore, I prefer a big university.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Some students prefer to study alone and others a group

TOEFL Essay 32 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study in a group of students. Which method do you prefer?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
There are some students who want to study alone while there is another group who prefer to be in groups while they are in the study. I prefer the second one for some specific reasons and get advantages as well.

Firstly, it is the extrovert people who do not want to be in a group. They study alone and suffer from several troubles during the exam. When you are alone, you cannot make all the answers or you will not have all the sheets to prepare the answers. When you will be with the other people, you will have chances for discussion. But If you are alone, you are deprived of the chances.

Secondly, when you are in a group, you will have more options to spread or gather ideas about any specific lessons. It becomes essential during the exam times. For instance, you need to know about any specific lesson or chapter that is important for the next day exam. If you are in a group, you may get help from any of the group members.

Thirdly, having a group of students help to be cheerful. By studying alone, you will not have that opportunity. You might feel bored or need to talk with others. But you will have none with you to be on your side. On the other sides, there are no such matters in a group. If you do not feel comfortable, you can share the matter with your group-mates. It will make you feel better.

Another important aspect of group study is instant support. In fact, a group is formed when all the members are of the similar mind. If they were not of the same category and capacity, the group would not have been formed. So, each of the members of the group is ready to support the other member in their needs.       

Based on the discussion above, it is evident that it is better to study in a group than studying alone. Besides, being an extrovert it is impossible for me to study alone. I always will prefer to be in a group. It will make me feel comfortable and cheerful to complete my academic activities.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Universities should give money to their students' sports activities

TOEFL Essay 20 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 


Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
A university is a place to transfers knowledge among the students to be applied in their future days. It is to be acknowledged undoubtedly that all the university students are highly meritorious, intelligent and smart as they undergo tougher and competitive tests before their admission in a university. Thus, they should be taken care of properly so that they could bloom when they enter into their professional life.

University students should exercise both physical and mental well-being. To be mentally fit and smart, they should use the library and should also have very good linkage with their textbooks but to be physically fit, they need to have regular exercise and participation is different sports activities too is a must.

There are some universities who spend money only for the buying books so that the students could have a good score in the exams and simply ignore the issue of their physical well-being. As a result, the students turn as the bookworms and cannot comply with the real lie world. They are not tailored so to survive.

Physical fitness is also a requirement to survive in the world and thus they need to have proper physical exercises and participation in the sports activities is the best way to bring the fitness. If the university authority does not provide with the necessary arrangements, the students will be unable to gain the fitness. Usually, the universities enrich their libraries with rare and expensive books to fill up the library shelves. Sometimes, most of the books are of no use except beautification and it is a kind of money wastage. Besides, some of the books are not allowed for the students as being rare and costly.

On the other side, if the authority invests the same amount of money that they usually spend for the libraries, the student could have done much better in their education. When they will be fit physically and mentally, they will be inspired to be attentive in their studies and consequently, their scores will go up, undoubtedly. For example, the students who are good at sports are good at study too, but the scenario is the opposite – all the good students are not good players.

Thereby, the university authorities should consider the issue and allot the same amount of money for the sports development of the university as they spend to enrich the libraries. Arranging a large field for sports activities will be a great help for the students and if not possible, a small gymnasium will do better.

(Word count = 421 )

Thursday 8 October 2015

Good teachers set challenging tasks for their students

TOEFL Essay 17 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Good teachers set challenging tasks for their students.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
A teacher is considered as the builder of a nation. The students whom he is teaching will be the future leaders. Thereby, the teaching method should be rock solid so that the students could survive in all the situations when they are grown up.

When a teacher teaches lessons, s/ he tries to make the lessons interesting to the pupils and sometimes the lessons are made challenging too. Actually, the lessons are made challenging based on some concrete grounds. The first and foremost cause is to make the students stronger over different issues they are experiencing. It is also helpful for them to survive in future. It is to be remembered that teaching is not limited only to reading textbooks or appearing on written examinations only. The range is vast and requires a special type of skill to spread the knowledge. The teachers are trained in ways to spread the knowledge needed for the students to be self-sufficient in their future days. Aiming to a better future, the teaching tasks are set in a challenging mode.

Teachers always want that their students to do better both in classes and out of the class environment. If the teachings are limited to books, the education will remain incomplete and thus the students will not be able to battle the harsh reality. Rather than reading aloud the theories in class, at times some of the teachers try to apply the theories in real life situation to analyze the real-life impacts on the students. When the theories are applied, students feel a sort of challenge.

Some of the students could overcome the challenges while most of them fail as they do not have the right intention or ability to adjust with the theories applied. Then the teachers set the challenges again for the failing students so that they could cope with the challenges. For instance, a science teacher may ask a student to bring a homework over any specific scientific issue that has been found in theories of the books. Usually, such home works are termed as projects.

When the student is asked to bring the project, the task becomes challenging for him/ her. To perform the project, the student may need to go to a specific shop selling the required scientific tools or chemicals to get the things required to complete the project. When the student will go shopping, it will help him/ her to get some real life skills. They will have the options to get familiar with the things which were unknown during the project completion. Moreover, they need to adopt several attempts to complete the project. Undoubtedly in the first chance, they will not be able to complete the project perfectly. They need to practice it several times and then the project will be done by the third of fourth chance. So, it is helping them to get familiar with the theories they go through the books they are assigned with. If the teacher did not ask to make the theory into a real life application, the theory would have remained theory to them for their lifetime.

Further, a sports teacher may ask a student to run for some moments or to perform some sort of exercise that has been taught in class. The task may appear challenging to the student, but if s/ he could perform the exercise, it will be helpful for them in the long run.

It appears that good teachers are the best friends of the students. The teachers always try to make the bookish things familiar to the students so that they could reap benefits from the theories in their real life.

(Word count = 611 )

Thursday 1 October 2015

It can be quite difficult to learn a new language

TOEFL Essay 12 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


It can be quite difficult to learn a new language. What do you think are the most difficult aspects of learning a new language?

Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Model Answer:
Language is the best mode of communication among the human beings and the importance of language is beyond explanation or imagination. We cannot think of a day without Language. A great number of languages are available on the planet and English is considered as the most important one among the other language.

But if someone is not native to any language, they are required to learn the language to communicate in their everyday life. However, learning a language is not as easy as it is heard. It is highly difficult to learn a language if you do not have prior knowledge of the language you are set to learn. You have to follow some specific rules and regulations of the language to gain the ability to use the language in your day to day life.

The most important complexity of learning a new language is the grammar. Most of the people are unaware of the grammatical aspects. Grammars help people to learn the rules of a language. It teaches them how to use the language, breaks the sentences in different parts for better understanding (parts of speech), where to apply the punctuation, and how to apply them, how the other necessary elements like an organization of words and sentences, and more other similar issues.

Besides, people always want to learn a language within the shortest possible time but they turn failure to do so. When you are an adult, you need to pay attention to every pros and cons of the language as you are ‘learning’ the language. But for the case of children, the scenario is completely different. The natural acquisition takes place with them. So, they do not need to invest much labor and efforts to learn the grammar and other rules. But, the adult language learners are unaware of the issue and try to learn like the kids and make the greatest mistake during the learning process.

Thirdly, most of the people fail to learn a language as they lack the scope of exercising the language. There are people who are introvert in nature and thus feel shy to speak the language they are learning with the view that people will laugh at them for the wrong speeches. On the other hand, people who are extrovert do not find their suitable partner to continue speaking the language. Both the ways are constraining the language learning process.

Moreover, language learning requires a lot of reading books and texts and also you need to write down your own thoughts over any issues on that language. People who start learning a language lose the interest of performing the aforesaid tasks and take the process as a heavy load for them. So, they cannot march forwards with the learning.

Thereby, to learn a language perfectly and apply that on the daily life, one needs to follow the rules and instructions of grammar and continue practicing the language whenever they get chances. The four skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking will not be perfect until those are exercised with extreme sincerity.

(Word count = 504 )

Monday 21 September 2015

University students should be required to attend classes

TOEFL Essay 11 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with?

Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

Model Answer:
University is considered as the top most interesting place to learn about the world. The degrees achieved in universities is not mere degrees, those are something more than an evidence of participating in a university. Universal issues are taught at the universities and thus the spread of the word ‘university’ is more influential.

Usually, the universities provide knowledge over different issues. Students enroll them with universities to get deeper subject knowledge. So, they are to attend classes to be aware of the issues and participate in the discussion session to express their point of views on the issue. Some of the quarters are on the view that attending university classes should be made optional. I am against the view for some specific reasons. The most important reason is that if the students remain absent in the classes, they will be unable to learn the knowledge they are supposed to learn. Students who do not attend class think that they will take the lessons from their classmates or get the lecture copies to go through later.

But in reality, they get deprived of the knowledge. Their efforts turn into failure making chances to meet with the teacher for the lectures once the lectures are done in the class. Finally, they are to regret before their examination or when it is needed in their real life situations.

Moreover, when the classes are made optional for the university students, they become reluctant to attend the class. They are seen participating in examinations only and the results are certainly unwanted. They spend most of their time idly or by gossiping with friends and consequently they lose their merits.

A university student needs to pass few tougher tests before enrolling in the university, and thus it should be considered that they students are meritorious. When they do not exercise their merits properly with the discussion with the teachers or the classmates, the merits gradually vanishes. Accordingly, they become addicted to different bad habits and form groups where all the members are of same class, spend time together idly and unfortunately turn into failure in their respective career.
It happens for they do not have knowledge inside them except the certification of the university. They have nothing to invest in becoming successful in their career and in personal life. The nation loses merits. The sharp brains are ruined.

So, I believe that attending class in university level is the best way to get the desired knowledge. But there might be some exceptions too. Unintentional absence may happen but the students are to check the issues that make them absent in the class. In fact, nothing could be more important than attending a class. Knowledge is disseminated there and they should grab it.

(Word count = 456 )

Not all learning takes place in the classroom

TOEFL Essay 10 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


It has been said, "Not all learning takes place in the classroom." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from personal experience with knowledge gained from classroom instruction. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Education is the process to be enlightened and survive being the fittest. It illuminates the human beings and simultaneously allows the individuals to distinguish between the right and the wrong on their way of living. But to be illuminated, one needs to attend formal educational institutions. But there are some other views that informal education is also able to make people educated over different issues. It seems that both of the systems have different applications.

When a baby is sent to school, it learns different things into a formal environment and grows up nurturing the earned knowledge. Like the kid that has enrolled with any specific educational institution, the other kids also participate and they learn almost the same knowledge around the globe. The texts are designed properly, accurate and taught using various attractive methods by skilled teachers or instructors. The teaching methods are more or less same across the educational institutions on the planet.

On the other side, if you are out of your classroom and want to learn informally, you will be unable to learn the same knowledge as it is taught in the class. The informal process is not well designed and there is not instructor to show you the methods or ways over any issue. It is you who is to learn alone and personally. There are quite chances that you board on the wrong track as there is none to direct you. All the time you cannot learn the perfect things. In fact out of class learning is about adopting some specific issues or skills for life while the in-class teaching issues are wider and applicable almost everywhere.

One of the most important facts for formal education is that formal institutions offer certificates after the course completion but there are not such official documents against your learning or earned skills. Although you may not have to pay a single buck for gaining a personal experience investing time, skills and sincerity, the task will not be evaluated before the world until you have any form of documentation for that, while the in-class learning is evaluated everywhere.

Regarding the objectives of learning, one can learn any specific issue at the informal environment but the objectives are wider in the classroom environment. The courses structured in manners to make the students completely aware about almost all the issues necessary to live on earth while the knowledge outside of the class is scattered. It is nearly impossible to gather all the out of class objectives under a single shed.

Therefore, it appears to me that both of the ways are important but considering the importance the formal one is more important. In a practical manner, people value the formal degrees instead of learning from the out of the class environment. To make the issue clearer, if a corporate recruiting authority seeks a hand to be employed definitely it will allow the formally educated individuals to participate in the recruitment test. But it does not refer that the people who are self or informally educated are of no use or have been unemployed rather they are recruited where there are scopes for them to be employed after their competency.

(Word count = 527)

Thursday 10 September 2015

Why do you think people decide to go to school?

TOEFL Essay 5 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.

People attend school for many different reasons (for example, expanded knowledge, societal awareness, and enhanced interpersonal relationships). Why do you think people decide to go to school?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
A school is a place where humans learn about numerous things. The place is not limited to the walls of a building rather the world is considered as the school opened for all and nature is the teacher. But such learning is considered as informal education which is inappropriate in the current days when people are planning to travel towards the outer space.

There are large numbers of reasons could be discovered behind going to school to achieve knowledge although there are liberal options to learn from nature and surroundings. Schooling at any educational institution is the best way to have a formal education. We are living in the age of scientific advancements and day by day we are climbing to the success and inventing newer things. The newly invented discoveries are applied in our everyday life to make the life comfortable. If we do not have any formal education, we will be unable to keep pace with the advanced world. 

When the kids are for a formal education, they get a better environment for education and thus they are motivated to learn newer things. But in the cases of informal educations, the students even do not have a well-decorated classroom to concentrate on their studies. As a result, they remain uneducated or illiterate for rest of their life.

Moreover, the informal education is not that much valued or certificates are not issued for completing any specific course or after obtaining any degree that could be useful for professional engagement. Although the informal learners might have practical experiences, in the current age people prefer most to the formal education as it is more valuable than the practical knowledge on specific issues as it has more chances to increase individual skills and expertise.

Schooling teaches the students to socialize, helps to learn different norms and rules of the society, importance of role playing in the future life and many other real life issues. In contrary, the informal education system is unable to teach a large number of norms and practices rather it serves with specific issues based knowledge. In additions, the students of formal education have to follow structured educational system which is absent in the informal system.

Thereby, people decide to have formal education in schools. Attending school is a must for them for the survival on the fast paced advancing world. If they do not get the right knowledge and information, their existence will be under risk and thus they are depending on the schools for their overall growth.

(Word count = 421)