Sunday 25 October 2015

Do you agree that money is the root of all evil

TOEFL Essay 26 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree that money is the root of all evil?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Money is the most important thing in this world and humans cannot do a single moment without money. But sometimes is it termed as the root of all evil. But is it really true?

It should be acknowledged that we need money for everyday life. We must need money to live on the planet as we cannot get our necessaries without money. It is also considered as the blood of an economy. Without money, nothing can go well in this material world. It is impossible to do anything without money. But interestingly the other living beings, except the human beings on the planet, do not need money. It is told that money sometimes brings destruction. Different tragic events have taken place for money and mostly during the distribution phase. It is also believed that money brings happiness and it is the only thing that elevates a man to a higher level than the ordinary men. But it is believed, not proved.

Money is required for a healthy and solvent life, but when it is about happiness, money has nothing to do with that. Monetary terms are important to lead a quality life but if you lack happiness in that life, the money spent are of no use. Most of the people are on the view that the more money they have, the happier they will be. Accordingly, the money you want to be happy or you plan to make a certain amount to meet your needs, you will be unable to achieve so as humans are not content with what they have. They want more and more and to attain the desired amount of money and wealth humans get engaged into different illegal activities.

To have more money, they start adopting unfair ways and consequently get trapped in various ways. As a direct result, they get destructed in unusual ways. In fact, they start inviting the destruction by following the ways they were not supposed to follow. The evil possess them. When people turn wealthier, they have some changes in their attitudes and as a result, conflicts occur with their relations and near and dear ones. A mental gap is created between the wealthy man and his relations. Gradually, the man starts losing his social life for his arrogance that he achieved with the money. It is a kind of degradation and mental poorness for him.

Further, when people become rich, they do not care about their families too; especially they do not care for their kids as they lack time. As a result, their kids become spoiled and they create anarchy in the society. It is also a different kind of ruination for them, and at times they are to spend the money to recover the troubles created by their kids.

The aforesaid two descriptions are enough to prove that money is the root of all evil. But it also should be noted that we cannot do without this. But it is highly imperative to gain or use the money in a fair way to avoid potential troubles and complexities associated with it.

(Word count = 514)

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