Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 October 2016

People work because they need money to live

TOEFL Essay 47 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons.

Use specific examples and details to support your answer.

Model Answer:
The majority of the people work to earn money for their living. But there are some other people who also work but not for money. They just need to do something or participate in any job. They also want to give something to the society. The facts will be clear by the following discussion.

The majority of the people work to support themselves. They need money to meet their daily needs and expenditures. So, they need a job too. But some other people have a different idea about life and living. To them, they not only work for the living, it is a passion to them. Getting engaged in a work helps to make them think that they are productive. The idea of becoming useless in the society is removed when someone is in work. In this case, this is not all about money.

Further, people work to meet some purposes. In fact, every work is done based on purposes and when you are done with the jobs, people feel a sense of accomplishment. The feeling is really outstanding and makes people different from others. It forms the individuality. As a result, people develop their self-identity. But if they do not have any job, they are deprived of this identity. Hence, to develop and maintain their identity, they need to do a job. In this case, this is not all about the salary that they get in exchange for their labor in the office.

Moreover, people get engaged with jobs to exhibit their creativities. For example, you might live in a nice apartment. Have you ever thought how it has been designed? You are getting a cool breeze and do not know how it is directed towards you. In fact, this is done by the perfect planning from the architect who designed the building. A dumb person cannot do something creative while you also need chances to show your creativity. A job brings the chance. It plays an important role to expose your inner self.

To wrap up, it seems that people do not only work for money. There are some other reasons too that make them interested in working.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it

TOEFL Essay 46 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
Two types of people are available in the world – who spends money instantly and those who save money for the future. I will support the second types of people and in fact, I am one of them. The reasons for supporting the second group is explained in this essay.

Saving money helps to manage everything smoothly. It is also beneficial for your financial improvement. There are some people who love to spend money from their earnings. They do not save. But this is a negative feature of their character for some reasons. When they need money, they cannot manage it as they have spent all in the beginning. So, it is imperative to save something for future.

Moreover, saving money helps to bring a sense of confidence among the people who save. They can rely on their savings and use the money in case of any emergency. But the people who are not saving for future become the sufferer. When it is an emergency or critical situation, they need to arrange for the money and a failure can bring the greatest disaster of their lives.

It should be admitted that life becomes a bit complex when you save money. Actually, you are to save the money cutting numerous costs. You would not be able to get some luxurious goods or services. Only you can have your basic needs. So, some people may feel discomfort with this matter. But the struggle will bring happiness in them in future.

Earlier, I was the person who spent all the earnings in a day without thinking about the future. When I drew the salary from a bank, I used to spend them for meeting all the needs in a single day. Later, I was in trouble. It became difficult for me to manage the remaining days of the month. In fact, I did not have any money with me to meet the upcoming expenses. It was a learning for me. And now I try to save money for future. I am now happy and confident with the savings. And planning to continue it as long as I can.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Do you agree that money is the root of all evil

TOEFL Essay 26 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree that money is the root of all evil?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Money is the most important thing in this world and humans cannot do a single moment without money. But sometimes is it termed as the root of all evil. But is it really true?

It should be acknowledged that we need money for everyday life. We must need money to live on the planet as we cannot get our necessaries without money. It is also considered as the blood of an economy. Without money, nothing can go well in this material world. It is impossible to do anything without money. But interestingly the other living beings, except the human beings on the planet, do not need money. It is told that money sometimes brings destruction. Different tragic events have taken place for money and mostly during the distribution phase. It is also believed that money brings happiness and it is the only thing that elevates a man to a higher level than the ordinary men. But it is believed, not proved.

Money is required for a healthy and solvent life, but when it is about happiness, money has nothing to do with that. Monetary terms are important to lead a quality life but if you lack happiness in that life, the money spent are of no use. Most of the people are on the view that the more money they have, the happier they will be. Accordingly, the money you want to be happy or you plan to make a certain amount to meet your needs, you will be unable to achieve so as humans are not content with what they have. They want more and more and to attain the desired amount of money and wealth humans get engaged into different illegal activities.

To have more money, they start adopting unfair ways and consequently get trapped in various ways. As a direct result, they get destructed in unusual ways. In fact, they start inviting the destruction by following the ways they were not supposed to follow. The evil possess them. When people turn wealthier, they have some changes in their attitudes and as a result, conflicts occur with their relations and near and dear ones. A mental gap is created between the wealthy man and his relations. Gradually, the man starts losing his social life for his arrogance that he achieved with the money. It is a kind of degradation and mental poorness for him.

Further, when people become rich, they do not care about their families too; especially they do not care for their kids as they lack time. As a result, their kids become spoiled and they create anarchy in the society. It is also a different kind of ruination for them, and at times they are to spend the money to recover the troubles created by their kids.

The aforesaid two descriptions are enough to prove that money is the root of all evil. But it also should be noted that we cannot do without this. But it is highly imperative to gain or use the money in a fair way to avoid potential troubles and complexities associated with it.

(Word count = 514)