Monday 26 October 2015

Most important characteristics of a good leader

TOEFL Essay 30 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

What are some of the most important characteristics of a good leader?

Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

Model Answer:
It is said that great leaders are made not born though it might contradict with some people’s opinion about inherent characteristics of a natural born leader. The statement is authentic but there are few exceptions too. Surrounding environment is an important issue regarding the leadership. To be a good or great leader, few important features are required.

Leadership is the process to execute a task in engagement with the other relevant people, by applying available resources and skills and within a deadline. But the tasks are not as easy as it is pronounced. A leader needs to achieve some specific qualities that will make him special from the common people. The first and the most important feature of a leader is honesty; he has to be honest in his speeches and works. He may get some advantages, temporarily, by falsifying information or being dishonest but in the long run, such leaders lose their credibility. So, if you plan to be a good leader, you have to be honest in every possible way.

To be a leader, one needs to be extrovert in nature. Unless you are being able to communicate with the people you are working with, you cannot be a successful leader. For communication, you have to move first in many places. But introvert people do not take the first attempt usually for their reclusive nature. Besides, you have to be confident enough to execute a specific job within a budgeted time and using the available resources. If you lack the confidence, you cannot be a good leader. The leaders who have created histories in different countries were highly confident about their goals and achieved so by using the confidence.

Attitude is a great fact to make you a good leader. If you do not own a positive attitude and always seek faults of others, you might be unable to be a good leader. Humans are never perfect and thus they cannot bring perfection in all of their works. So, you are to be positive in your attitude. You have to share your knowledge and inspire other over accepting responsibilities. You have to do it because great leaders also make leaders. So, you are to be inspiring and allow others to follow you in different activities and works. It will help to build a positive image for you among the people you are working with.

The leader should also be visionary. It is an extraordinary quality for a leader to be visionary and plan accordingly to overcome the obstacles on the way to development. If he cannot foresee the problems, he cannot be a good leader. All the subordinates, in fact, wait for such predictions from the leaders so that they could move in the right way and if the leader fails, he loses his popularity from his men. Most of the times we react but the great leaders never exercise reactive attitudes. They are always calm and proactive. So, proactive attitude is another must for the leaders. Besides, a leader never takes pride in his ability to perform the things rather he is on the view that a team is more successful than a leader alone.

There are a large number of political and social leaders are available who exercise the qualities in their everyday life. They have not turned into the leader by overnight rather they were patient and continued exercising and finally, they win.

(Word count = 567)

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