Thursday 20 April 2017

In general, people are living longer now

TOEFL Essay 71 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon.

Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Model Answer:
The average age of people is on the rise. According to a recent statistics, people are living longer now than 20 years before. It happens for several reasons like a healthy food habit. Besides, improved medical services, healthy lifestyle and recreational activities also play important roles in this regard. The details are described here.

All the beings on this planet live on foods. And the foods vary based on regions and availability. Earlier, people did not take the nutritious foods rather only met up their hunger. But now with the advancement of medical science, people take foods with nutritious values. The foods are improved and thus human body has become able to battle with the malnutrition and other diseases that weaken people in the past days.

The improved medical facilities are the other reasons for the increased lifespan of people. Earlier, a majority of people had to die even for simple diseases as they did not have the idea to deal with the sickness. So, they were prone to death and child mortality rate was on the rise. One of my cousins has died a premature death when I was a child suffering only from cold. In fact, the medical facilities were least developed in those days. Moreover, adopting a healthy lifestyle is also contributing in this prolonged lifespan. Most of the people are now aware of their health and they have adopted many healthy activities with them like walking in the morning or in the evening, participating in outdoor sports and other types of exercises and more. As a result, they are having a prolonged life.  

Recreational activities also play an important role. The more people get relaxation, the more their moods turn healthier. And it is well known that a healthy mood helps greatly to increase lifespan. As a result, the average lifespan of people with a good mood is on the rise.

To sum up the issue, it could be predicted that if people continue performing in sports, take good foods more and get the right medical services they need, the average lifespan will increase more.

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