Showing posts with label TOEFL-Essay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TOEFL-Essay. Show all posts

Sunday 11 June 2017

TOEFL Essay 80- A person you know is planning to move to your town

TOEFL Essay 80 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why?

Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Model Answer:
Living in city areas has both benefits and demerits. When people plan to move into another city, they should consider some important aspects. I know an individual who is planning to shift in my city, and I am sure that the person will like and dislike the following matters.

I live in the center of the city and enjoy some important benefits. The most important thing he will enjoy is the high and improved communication system. The communication system is improved and different parts of the city are accessible within a short span of time. Moreover, there are no traffic jams in the city and the air is pollution-free.

The second thing to like the city is that it comes with a huge opportunity to get better jobs and working environment. A wide number of companies and multinational corporations have opened their branches here. They need some skilled hands to run their activities. So, when people shift in this city, they do not need to worry about their career if they are sincere and skilled to some extent. Moreover, there are some skill development centers where the candidates can increase their skill in exchange for a minimal payment.

But the person shifting here might not prefer some specific issues here. House rent and living cost is remarkable here. Majority of the houses are well furnished and thus the rent is higher than the other parts of the country. The living condition is higher as well. So, if someone is reluctant to pay a high rent or fail to adjust to the higher living condition, the city is not suitable for them. Noise is another feature that the person might not like. Most of the parts of this city are crowded and noisy. People are here and there while the parks are filled with children making noise while playing various types of outdoor games and sports.

Therefore, based on the discussion above, it appears that there are both advantages and disadvantages to living in this city. And the person should adjust with the features in order to live here.

Sunday 4 June 2017

TOEFL Essay 79 - All students should be required to study art and music

TOEFL Essay 79 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Art and music play an important role in the development of a mind. They are relaxing indeed and refresh the mind in a different way by removing the tiredness of the day and instantly. So, the necessity of music and art is an important matter and in secondary schools, this is of great importance for the following reasons.

During the secondary school level, the students need to undergo huge pressures. They need to complete assignments, attend lectures and event, and sometimes they are to take part in some practical classes as well. They have to be busy round the day and night. They are busy in school in the day time and busy at night at home to complete the assignments and other academic activities. So, boredom grabs them easily. If they are allowed to practice art and music, they can get rid of the boredom. Moreover, the art and music is a part of creativeness. When the students of secondary schools will take part in music and art, they will start nurturing their creative faculty of their brains.

Further, art and music have no specific syllabus or exact guideline to study. So, here the students can practice without any troubles. They will not have to follow any specific rules or regulations as they follow during their regular academic activities. So, this is a great chance for them to relax in a nice environment. If they paint something, they will do it spontaneously. There are no chances of mistake. And if they compose any tune, they will do it to satisfy their soul, not to fill up the exam paper pages. The activities will bring a break for them. 

A recent study has found that students who listen to music have a sharp memory than those who are not exposed to music in their regular activities. The brains of music listeners can accept newer things easily and removes frustration. So, they can have the changes to get some good grades and finally moves for a better career path. Therefore, all the students in secondary schools should study art and music.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

TOEFL Essay 78 - What events make a person an adult?

TOEFL Essay 78 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

People recognize a difference between children and adults. What events (experiences or ceremonies) make a person an adult?

Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

Model Answer:
Childhood is the most preferred time of human life. This is the part which is filled with numerous events that people lament in their adulthood. Actually, people do not know when they get adult and someday they discover that their childhood is a memory only. There are some clear lines to ascend in adulthood from a child which are discussed in this essay.

Attending the higher education is a sign that someone is becoming an adult. This is the most important part which begins the transformation to adulthood from childhood. Basically higher education begins after crossing the primary level and when someone is at the higher level, the average age is over 10 years or more. And after crossing the higher education, they start education in college and universities. They get more matured. Their childhood smells and activities are gone. They learn to know about the world and start realizing the realities of life.

Getting a job after completion of education is another line that shows that someone is becoming an adult. In this stage, they gain a wide number of experience about life and living. They switch jobs, start planning for future and try to contribute to the development of the nation. Gradually, they become mature enough to get married which is the opening of another sphere of life. There is a saying that marriage completes life. So, when someone gets married, the life becomes complete in many sense and stars enjoying the adulthood. By this time, they get various types of experience, have their kids and many other notable events in their lives.

Therefore, it appears that with the passage of time, people gradually become an adult and suddenly they discover that their childhood is lost. They want to get back the childhood days but alas! They are unable to go back in the days. But when they cross the lines and become the adult. they do not understand that they are growing. Time passes by and someday everyone becomes old.

Wednesday 24 May 2017

TOEFL Essay 77 - Playing games teaches us about life

TOEFL Essay 77 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 


Playing games teaches us about life.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Playing games is really an entertaining activity. Everyone loves to play different types of games. It makes us feel relaxed. Playing games also help a lot to gain knowledge and experience. It teaches about life and living. But playing games have some adverse effects as well. So, I partially agree with the statement and the reasons are as followed.

Usually, children play different types of games. While playing the games, they come to know about various rules and roles about the games. And by playing the games, they become able to decide their roles and follow rules in their real-life situations. In fact, the games help them to be aware of their roles and responsibilities that they learn through the games. Moreover, the games are able to build confidence among the players. Most of the games come with challenges and obstacles. When they fail, they start playing the games again with a new inspiration. They become determined that they will need to win the game. As a result, they gain confidence and the confidence level also climbs up.

But according to the other view, the games are not suitable for all ages of people. A large number of games are filled with violence and fighting. So, the children often try to imitate the fighting or violence in their real-life situations. Sometimes they get hurt and even seriously injured while following the game actions in their life. Besides, they waste lots of time by playing the games which hamper the studies and other activities. There are some hardcore gamers who are engaged in playing video games for days and nights. Sitting a long time before the computer and other gaming devices is causing serious damage to them.

So, based on the discussions above, it appears that playing games have got both the merits and demerits. The parents should be aware that what their children are playing. If the games stimulate their brain and increase their real-life skills, the games should be allowed. And if the games appear detrimental, those should not be allowed.

Thursday 18 May 2017

TOEFL Essay 76 - Teenagers have jobs while they are students

TOEFL Essay 76 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea?

Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.

Model Answer:
Many countries have provisions for the teenagers to get engaged in various types of jobs. And they take part in jobs despite being students. This is of great importance in their life and also helps to build their future career. This is a good idea indeed and the reasons are asserted below.

Confidence is considered as the key to success. When a teenager is engaged into a job, it helps to make him or her confident. The job is filled with various types of responsibilities and the teenager needs to execute the responsibilities in order to be paid. So, the teenager takes various initiatives to perform the duties which indirectly increases their confidence level. They also come to know about different types of works and how to deal with them.

Further, when a teenager is recruited in any jobs, the payment plays an important role. Education is becoming costlier gradually. Actually, if you do not have sufficient wealth, it is really hard to maintain the educational expenses. So, when teenagers are involved in jobs, they get a remarkable amount of money which they can use for multipurpose including meeting their educational expenses. In a word, they get a financial stability in their life. One of my cousins in the USA works for himself though he is a teen and maintaining his own expenses.

The other reason for preferring this view is that it helps to build some specific real-life skills. A job helps the students to learn about communication with the clients and other people. They also learn patience and some other important skills. As a result, they become skilled to deal with life. They own potentials more than the average people to have a bright future.

Based on the discussion above, it appears that having a job while studying is better. It helps the students to grow their career and select the right track for them. It is also beneficial to make them strong to sustain in the competitive battle of the age. It could be considered as a pre-training for the students to reach their destinations in future.

Sunday 14 May 2017

Which would you prefer - technology based education or traditional schools?

TOEFL Essay 75 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer - technology based education or traditional schools?

Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.

Model Answer:
We are greatly influenced by the use of technology and it has become too usual to use the technological achievements in our daily life. As a result, every stage of life is being influenced by technology and this is positive indeed. There are some views that students should study home using the technology while others oppose the idea and want to have real-life schooling in the traditional schools and academic institutions. But I prefer the first one for the following reasons.

When the children are in class in a traditional school, they spend most of the time with the other classmates and friends which are really a wastage of time. They do not get interested in focusing on the class and lecture. But the scenario is just the opposite in the classes taken with the help of technology. They sit at home and focus on the class lectures for themselves. In fact, if they miss the lecture, the teacher will not repeat the thing again. So, they need to remain focused on their lectures through the technology.

Moreover, when the children are engaged with the classes at their home, they come to know about the technical issues more than the ordinary people. It is helpful for them in their future life. In fact, the familiarity with technology will be an asset for them. They will not need to be versed in the technological issues again. And they would also use the earned knowledge for their career development.

Besides, learning is more effective when the environment is convenient. The students can have their own environment where they can learn in a relaxed mode which is a most important thing for them. But in the classroom, they will not get the desired environment as they have in their homes.

To conclude, it is evident that studying at home is better than studying to the traditional institutions. Learning from home is more suitable for them and it is really effective in their personal and private life as well.

Monday 8 May 2017

TOEFL Essay 74 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

Model Answer:

Thursday 4 May 2017

What are some important characteristics of a co-worker

TOEFL Essay 73 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)?

Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

Model Answer:
Working with different types of people is a very usual event in the present day. When working with a co-worker, the opposite person needs to have some important characteristics without which it is not possible to work with him or her. Some of the most important characteristics are explained here.

First of all, the co-worker needs to be sincere. In fact, people who are insincere in their duties are the people to create troubles in the workplace. They create some unwanted issues. For instance, someone told me that he had a colleague who is not sincere and for him, there are lots of troubles like the team failed to deliver the outputs in time. All the other team members had to work hard for reaching the deadline within the budget time. But if the man was sincere to his responsibilities, the teamwork would have been easier.

Besides, honesty is another important characteristic for a co-worker. If the co-worker is dishonest, it is really impossible to work for a long time and produce the desired outcome. The similar thing happened with another person. He got a co-worker who was dishonest in obeying the responsibilities. Whenever he was asked if he had completed the jobs, he would say that he did which was not true. Later, the work pressures were more that slipped the productivity.

Communication skill is another important aspect in this case. If the co-worker fails to communicate effectively, it becomes harder to complete the jobs. In fact, the miscommunication between the co-workers can lead to a great disaster that can cause serious troubles for the office.

Based on the aforesaid aspects, a co-worker should possess the characteristics. They are really important and a must for everyone who works in a team. Without the combined efforts, this is not possible to reach a common goal set from the office. A good co-worker also should adapt to changing situations, be helpful to other members and co-worker working around them.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

What is a very important skill a person should learn

TOEFL Essay 72 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Model Answer:
In this present world, it is really necessary to have some skills to produce a better performance so that living becomes comfortable. In fact, without the right skills, it is hard to manage everything and maintain a balanced life. Someone's career or even private life might come under risk if there is a lack of necessary skills. So, I think communication is the most important skill of the day to be successful for the following reasons.

Without an effective communication skill, it is impossible to perform smoothly in this present context. Actually, it is an effective communication which brings the success. A large number of misunderstandings happen for the communication gaps between parties and the results appear detrimental for both. Certainly, there are some other skills available like patience, knowledge, cooperation, public relations etc. which are also required but to apply them in our life, we need to be a good communicator first.

If someone fails to send or receive the message effectively, there are chances that he will not get the job done in the desired way. Recent surveys have found that majority of the disagreements and quarrels in a family, especially between husband and wife, take place for miscommunication. For instance, if couples do not have frequent conversations or have a lack of understanding, which often happens due to the lack of proper communication, the life becomes miserable. A good communication skill also enhances the career opportunity and higher management always prefers to promote someone with better communication and management skills.

Based on the reason above, it is evident that communication is the key to be a successful individual in the present world. All the other skills turn of no use if someone does not have the communication skill. So, communication is a very important skill today, in my opinion.

Thursday 20 April 2017

In general, people are living longer now

TOEFL Essay 71 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon.

Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

Model Answer:
The average age of people is on the rise. According to a recent statistics, people are living longer now than 20 years before. It happens for several reasons like a healthy food habit. Besides, improved medical services, healthy lifestyle and recreational activities also play important roles in this regard. The details are described here.

All the beings on this planet live on foods. And the foods vary based on regions and availability. Earlier, people did not take the nutritious foods rather only met up their hunger. But now with the advancement of medical science, people take foods with nutritious values. The foods are improved and thus human body has become able to battle with the malnutrition and other diseases that weaken people in the past days.

The improved medical facilities are the other reasons for the increased lifespan of people. Earlier, a majority of people had to die even for simple diseases as they did not have the idea to deal with the sickness. So, they were prone to death and child mortality rate was on the rise. One of my cousins has died a premature death when I was a child suffering only from cold. In fact, the medical facilities were least developed in those days. Moreover, adopting a healthy lifestyle is also contributing in this prolonged lifespan. Most of the people are now aware of their health and they have adopted many healthy activities with them like walking in the morning or in the evening, participating in outdoor sports and other types of exercises and more. As a result, they are having a prolonged life.  

Recreational activities also play an important role. The more people get relaxation, the more their moods turn healthier. And it is well known that a healthy mood helps greatly to increase lifespan. As a result, the average lifespan of people with a good mood is on the rise.

To sum up the issue, it could be predicted that if people continue performing in sports, take good foods more and get the right medical services they need, the average lifespan will increase more.

Saturday 15 April 2017

Explain why movies are so popular

TOEFL Essay 70 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Movies are popular all over the world. Explain why movies are so popular.

Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Movies are popular around the world for a large number of reasons. The most important and basic reason of being a movie popular is it provides entertainment to the audience. Besides, movies are also responsible to create awareness among the audiences across the nations. Some other important reasons are explained here.

Movies provide a thrilling experience for the audience. There are various types of movies and each of them has a different taste. A recent survey has found that the movie-goers are mostly thrilled with the movies and particularly it happens with the action genre movies. They feel a sense of thrill inside their mind when the protagonists of the movie win in battles or can be victorious over the villains. They feel thrilled. Such types of thrills are not available in other modes of entertainment. Among the movie genres, comedy is one of them and the genre is solely intended to make people laugh. Laughter is the best medicine – a well-known proverb. And hence, movies have also become popular as they are able to make people relived through laughing.

Movies create awareness in the society. The movie makers select some social issues to focus on and make movies centering the issues so that the movies could make people aware of the specific issues. After watching the awareness raising movies, people get to know about the matters and try to change the situations after their capacities. Besides, the movies could be inspirational too. Some of the movies could be cited here like the Pursuit of Happiness is such movie that inspires its audience. It teaches not to give up hope and success appears to those who are perseverant and keep walking towards a goal.

Moreover, watching movies is one of the best ways to pass leisure hours. By watching a movie, you can have a pleasant time. When you have nothing to do or feel bored with your regular activities like chatting with friends or using your social networking sites, you can sit with a movie and can enjoy the time happily.

In a nutshell, watching movies is really a great way to enjoy the leisure. It also teaches many special aspects of life. Consequently, movies are becoming popular among the global population.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Why are groups or organizations important to people?

TOEFL Essay 69 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Groups or organizations are an important part of some people's lives. Why are groups or organizations important to people?

Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.

Model Answer:
A group is a team of people who gather together to support any specific cause or to achieve a common goal. Thus it is important in some people’s lives. In fact, a group plays an important role for people who are engaged with it. The reasons are explained here.

The first and top most important reason to form a group is a strength. When someone forms a group or becomes the part of a group, they become stronger than the ordinary people. There is a precious saying – “Unity is strength” and being united through a group, they achieve the strength. And the strength is required to reach a common goal. For instance, workers’ union is a group of workers who protest against the injustice of the employers and achieve their demands. As this is a group of workers, the employers do not dare to ignore their demands. But if it was a single worker, the employer could fire them at any time claiming the demands illegal or illogical. It happens because a single worker is unable to call for a strike or take any measures against the employer. It is better to fight in a group than alone.

Moreover, being a group member is also beneficial in some other aspects. A group is a place where you can share your ideas, emotions and other feelings. Similarly, when someone else shares their feelings, you can know about their mental situations and accordingly. When someone seeks suggestions or helps, the other group members can support them. The supports might be about any personal issues, academic complications and more other important matters that require external help. For instance, you need some suggestions about any of your academic issues and your group members may help you out.

Learning is another great aspect of a group. When a group is formed, diversified people get involved with this. So, there are plenty of chances to know about various issues and you can apply them in your real life as well.

Finally, in brief, the importance of a group is undeniable. It helps people in various ways to grow up and lead a happy life.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Plant that is important to you or the people in your country

TOEFL Essay 68 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Plants can provide food, shelter, clothing, or medicine. What is one kind of plant that is important to you or the people in your country?

Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.

Model Answer:
The world is filled with a vast number of plants and not all of them are beneficial for humans and environments. But the number of beneficial plants is not limited too and such plants and herbs are available across the world. Capsicum is a very usual plant that is used for different purposes together. This is a kind of spice but mostly used as an ingredient while cooking foods. A description of the plant will make everything clearer.

Most of the people know it as peepers and this is a flowery plant. The origin of the plant was in the USA but now it is available and grown across the world and used for various purposes. But in China, people use it in preparing local and traditional dishes. In fact, this is one the key ingredients in Chinese cuisine. But there are some medicinal purposes also found of this plant. Growing of this plant requires some specific weather. Capsicum needs a sunny environment to grow up as plant and the soil needs to be loamy and must not be waterlogged.

Actually, capsicum plants are sensitive to some climatic conditions. It is unable to stand in the frost and also cannot bear extreme sunshine. So, a moderate climate is perfect for cultivating this plant. The weather of China is not too much hot or cold. So, it grows a huge quantity of capsicums in its lands. Moreover, the nutritious value of this plant is adorable. It contains Vitamin C and Vitamin B6, and the quantity is more than other fruits like orange. In fact, a capsicum is able to replace the daily needs of Vitamin C. Furthermore, the dried capsicum is also of great use and helpful in dehydration and some other vitamin deficiencies.

Consequently, a large number of Chinese people frequently use capsicum in their daily foods. Mostly the intake of the fruits in various ways. Sometimes, capsicum is mixed with salad or eaten raw. And sometimes, it is added to fried rice and curries too. When I prepare any meat recipe, I add capsicum and this is a must for me then. Capsicum helps to increase the food flavors and so this is preferred by everyone.

Friday 17 March 2017

Students should be given one long vacation each year

TOEFL Essay 67 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Some people believe that students should be given one long vacation each year. Others believe that students should have several short vacations throughout the year.

Which viewpoint do you agree with?  

Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Model Answer:
Vacation is one of the most desirable things for people, particularly for students. They wait longer for a vacation and enjoy the day. But there are some arguments about the duration of the vacation – either the vacation would be longer or it would be short. I am in support of the second point of view for the following reasons.

Though vacations have beneficial impacts, long vacations have some demerits for the students. In a long vacation, the students are out of their academic activities for a certain period of time. They are unable to focus on their regular activities. And when they attend their respective educational institutions, they find the lessons difficult. So, it casts a detrimental impact on the academic activities of the students. On the other side, when the students get shorter vacations, they can enjoy themselves and by the same time can get back on track. The short vacations do not hamper the other activities. Rather, it refreshes the mind and they can focus on their tasks.

Furthermore, the short vacations bring the opportunities for the students to get inspired. When they will have frequent short vacations, they will be inspired to enjoy the vacations. And to enjoy the vacations, they will complete their necessary academic activities. Moreover, they will have chances to get together in a place where they could have fun. They can make trips to short distant places and pass the day amid great enjoyment. Undeniably the long vacations have benefits that the students can stay for a long time in a place or can take part in any extracurricular activities, but it distracts them from their respective activities. And when they get back from the long vacation, it takes more time than usual to start everything.

Considering the grounds above, it appears that the merits are less than the demerits of long vacations. And the positive aspects are more of sort vacations than the longer ones. So, I agree with the point that the students should be allowed to get more short vacations round the year. It would be beneficial to them in various ways.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

People should read only books about real events

TOEFL Essay 66 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts.

Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
Reading books is a hobby for many people while some other people use books for meeting their necessities only. But it is not mandatory that people should read only the books written based on real events or people. I strongly oppose the idea for the following reasons.

Books are considered as the storehouse of knowledge. People read books for a wide number of purposes that cannot be identified in a single line. But they need books in their everyday life. Many of the readers search some specific information or knowledge from the books to be applied to their needs. So, reading only the books based on real events or people may not suit this purposes. The books based on real events are better known as non-fiction books. They do not contain any fictional elements and thus may provide pleasure to the readers. But the readers who are seeking some specific information may not have that on the books.

Besides, reading the non-fictional books shrink the imagination of the readers. For instance, they may not be able to imagine about a fairy land while reading a biography. Rather, the reader will be stuck on the life events of the writer or of any particular person. Here the chances of imagination are missing. If a book is unable to make it readers think, it should be admitted that the book’s plot is unworthy of reading. In fact, the books should be written in such a descriptive way that the readers will visualize the events before them. And this is possible by the fictional books. When the reader will go through the lines, the fictional plots are able to make them visualize the event. In some cases, the readers start comparing them with the fictional characters which is not possible while reading a real event based book.

Moreover, the books with fictional plots help the readers to be updated with the latest information and matter related to the book plot which is also a benefit of such books.

Considering the reasons, I think, it is better to read books based on fictional plot instead of inspired by real events, people or facts.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Which of the methods of learning is best for you?

TOEFL Essay 65 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you?

Use specific examples to support your choice.

Model Answer:
Learning is a never ending process. But learning system differs. Some like to learn by performing themselves while some other like reading to learn or listen from others to learn. But doings things to learn is the best option to me. In fact, it has some advantages. The reasons are as followed.

Firstly, learning is a continuous process and you will need to keep practising for a long time to master the art. In this case, reading or listening to others is not that much effective, believe experts. Only performing things several times will help to remember the lesson or work. But if it is only read or listened, the knowledge will get in the brain as it is desired. For instance, we see lots of things and read lots of texts. But how many of the things influence us? Or how many of the read texts we can remember? Certainly, the answer will be – a few. Why does this happen? There are some exact reasons. We cannot cope up with everything we see or listen. Actually, we need practice.

Moreover, learning capacity is different for every individual and this is natural. But studies have found that people who learn things by doings practically can remember the matters more clearly than other types of people who do not practice. This is really an important matter to consider while learning something. An instance might make the issue clearer. Before learning to drive vehicles, I did not have any idea how the motor vehicles worked and how to drive them. So, I tried to gather knowledge about driving from various sources. But they were of no use to me. When I got admitted to a local driving school and started practical classes, driving appeared simple to me. I made mistakes and I learnt from the mistakes. But if I continued reading the materials on driving, I am sure that I would not have been successful to learn driving in two weeks.

Based on the reasons above, getting engaged in things that I want to learn is the best-suited way for me. There are people who can learn by following other ways but the learnings do not last long.

Saturday 25 February 2017

Dancing plays an important role in a culture

TOEFL Essay 64 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Dancing plays an important role in a culture.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Dancing is one of the oldest forms of arts and had been introduced in an ancient age. It is a kind of entertainment and by the same time reveals a good number of influential roles in a culture. In fact, dancing also reveals many important and unknown cultural information about a society. I agree with the statement for the following reasons.

Dancing is one of the ways to show feelings and emotions to others. When someone becomes unable to utter words to express the emotions, s/ he can take dancing as a medium for the emotional expression. It also helps to revive the customs of a culture and impart the knowledge to a specific group of people. And gradually, it has become an integral part of the cultural activities. Traditional dancing is mostly related to revealing the local heritage and customs to the audience and group of people. 

Dancing requires some special types of moves and sometimes the moves are speedy. Through the moves, the dancers express their feelings and sometimes it is sad while most of the time it shows happiness. This is also the way to get relieved from anxiety and often comes with a song. The songs are often melodious and the dancing steps are aligned with the song lyrics. Moreover, the dancing also shows some other aspects of the society such as it shows the ranks of people in the society. When someone important in the society comes to join the dance, they have some different attires. It helps to distinguish them from the others.

Besides, dancing also is important in some other aspects of life. Dancing in marriage is a compulsory part in many countries and a part of the local culture. The participants in the dance are the newly married couple and they have to dance for a certain moment. Moreover, dancing is also performed to influence some other matters like people in some of the African continents to manipulate the weather or to change the climatic patterns.

So, it appears that dance is performed to explore feelings and emotions of the people. It has also religious and cultural values in everywhere of the world. Thus, dancing plays an important role in a cultural setting.

Friday 17 February 2017

Difficultexperiences in lives become valuable lessons for the future

TOEFL Essay 62 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future.

Use reasons and specific examples to support our answer.

Model Answer:
Living a life is filled with various types of experiences. Some of those are difficult while some others are sweet. But the difficult experiences make people stronger and provide valuable lessons for future use. I agree with the statement and the reasons are as followed.

When people lead a comfortable life, it really becomes difficult for them to understand what the reality is. They actually do not have any idea how the real situations are in a life until they commit any mistake. In fact, it is the mistake that makes them learn newer things. Every mistake becomes an experience for them. When people are in such situations, they may have to tolerate the events and adjust with the unwanted situations but at a later stage, the mistakes would be their great friends. They will not commit the same mistake twice and could avoid the undesirable situations.

Besides, a negative experience helps to increase the confidence level among people who undergo them. Initially, the people suffering from the experiences may not realize that they are having a test but once the situations are gone, they get a better confidence level than the average people. The strength that they show during this period of trouble becomes helpful to them. And when the confidence level is up, people can do all the possible things. So, this is a benefit of the difficult times. The moments actually help to make people stronger. When I was a kid, my parents told me to attentive to my studies. They had set a daily routine for me and I needed to follow that strictly. The days and nights appeared difficult to pass. But now, I am having the benefits of maintaining the routine. The days in childhood have helped me to be stronger that the other people.

Furthermore, when someone is in a difficult time, it helps them to gain more knowledge on particular issues. So, when they face the similar situations again, they can deal with the events easily. It was tough for me to learn to work in computer following some grammar, and now I am quite comfortable in it.

So, the statement is entirely true and difficult times really make people stronger than ever.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Students nowadays can learn more information

TOEFL Essay 62 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
This is the advanced age and technology is everywhere. The use of technology has covered all the spheres of life including education as well. So, it has become easier for the students to learn newer information and focus on their studies. I completely agree with the statement for the following reasons.

Technology is a constant tool for the students. They can get help from this tool in various ways. The most important issue about technology is that the students can get help from it at any time of the day. In past, students had to meet their teachers to know about any specific issue. But with the improved technology, they do not need to wait for any more for their teachers. They can get the knowledge from the Internet or from any other sources. Moreover, using technology for gathering knowledge does not consume time at all. This is a quicker process. And it also requires a lower cost to apply for academic purposes.

Besides, with the use of technology, education has become easier than ever. Earlier, the teachers used to take classes using books. All the students also had to carry the books and to be frank, it was really an unwanted matter for the majority of the students. Punishments for not bringing books was a common issue from the teachers. But with the help of technology, education has become changed. The teachers do not use books to teach in the class rather they prefer multimedia systems for teaching. This is a rapid change in the education and helping the students to learn quickly. The multimedia system allows adding data, images and other necessary tools for easy learning of the students. Distance learning is another impressive benefit by the technology.

To conclude the discussion, it appears that technology is really an important tool in the present day for the development of education. It is a better way for the students to learn something new. They do not even need to be physically present in the classrooms to learn something new or attend the class. They can do the activities sitting at home. Only technology has made it for them. So, undoubtedly technology is a great tool for the students.

Thursday 2 February 2017

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside

TOEFL Essay 61 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city.

Do you agree or disagree? 

Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.

Model Answer:
Living in an urban setting may provide some specific benefits but I prefer to nurture children in a countryside. In fact, children who are growing up in countryside enjoy some special benefits than the children growing up in a big city. The reasons are described here.

My view may differ than other people as the larger cities come with great features like larger educational institutions, modern facilities, job opportunity, and many more. But the most important thing is missing there. There is no modest home in a large city. Most of the people live in rented houses and apartments. So, they are unable to enjoy the life. But in the countryside, people live in their own house and the children have the greater chances to meet with their respective community. When they meet with their own people, they grow a deep sense of life and living which they cannot have in the city.

Countryside lifestyle is simple. It teaches to live simply and enjoy the nature. The living is safe and free form city hustles. So, when the children are grown up in the countryside, they come to know about some particular things about life which are absent among the children who have been growing up in large cities. They can participate in the community events, socialize with their neighbors, know how to evaluate people and much more real-life matters. But the children in large cities are not accustomed to such matters.

The other important thing about growing up in a countryside allows living in a peaceful environment free of noise and pollution. Most of the large cities are polluted in various ways and living is really difficult for the excessive pollution. But the countryside is free of the issues and a healthy living is ensured. Besides, the countryside is filled with the cordiality of people and less crime rate has made it more attractive. Enjoying the natural views is the other benefit of living in a countryside. The children will also get a safe and secure environment to grow up which is unavailable in the city.

Finally, it appears that children should be grown up in a countryside so that they could know about the real-life play their respective role in the society.