Sunday 14 May 2017

Which would you prefer - technology based education or traditional schools?

TOEFL Essay 75 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer - technology based education or traditional schools?

Use reasons and specific details to explain your choice.

Model Answer:
We are greatly influenced by the use of technology and it has become too usual to use the technological achievements in our daily life. As a result, every stage of life is being influenced by technology and this is positive indeed. There are some views that students should study home using the technology while others oppose the idea and want to have real-life schooling in the traditional schools and academic institutions. But I prefer the first one for the following reasons.

When the children are in class in a traditional school, they spend most of the time with the other classmates and friends which are really a wastage of time. They do not get interested in focusing on the class and lecture. But the scenario is just the opposite in the classes taken with the help of technology. They sit at home and focus on the class lectures for themselves. In fact, if they miss the lecture, the teacher will not repeat the thing again. So, they need to remain focused on their lectures through the technology.

Moreover, when the children are engaged with the classes at their home, they come to know about the technical issues more than the ordinary people. It is helpful for them in their future life. In fact, the familiarity with technology will be an asset for them. They will not need to be versed in the technological issues again. And they would also use the earned knowledge for their career development.

Besides, learning is more effective when the environment is convenient. The students can have their own environment where they can learn in a relaxed mode which is a most important thing for them. But in the classroom, they will not get the desired environment as they have in their homes.

To conclude, it is evident that studying at home is better than studying to the traditional institutions. Learning from home is more suitable for them and it is really effective in their personal and private life as well.

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