Sunday 13 September 2015

A new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood

TOEFL Essay 6 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.

It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why?

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Movies are usually made to amuse people. It helps them to get rid of their monotony. There are different types of movies available and all of them are not suitable for all types of audience. The easiest way to enjoy a movie is visiting the movie theater. The theaters are made in such attractive ways that the audiences feel great after watching the movie. Therefore, the importance of a movie theater cannot easily be ignored.

But I am opposing the idea to establish a movie theater in my neighborhood. There are few troubles when a movie theater is set up in a residential area. Usually, the movie theaters turn in to a crowded place as a large number of audiences come here to enjoy movies. But if the movie theatre is built in a residential area, the area will be uninhabitable for dealing with the large crowd.

The most shocking fact is that the residential area will rapidly turn into a commercial area or a commercial hub for different sorts of businessmen. When the movie theatre will be built in our neighborhood which still today is considered as a posh residential area of the city, the natural environment will be damaged greatly. We have a calm and peaceful environment around us. But when the mass audience will start coming, the peace will lose its natural charm and will be destroyed too.

Moreover, the movie theater needs a large space to be established. To set the theatre up, huge trees will be cut down by the authority. There are different types of trees have been planted in the area and all of them are grown up, used as nest by numerous birds. It is known to all that trees help to make the environment cool and lively.  If the trees are cut down, the ecology of the area will be under threat. The birds and other tiny insects living on the trees will lose their habitat and may get extinct too. The residents will also miss the natural shades and the heavenly setting of the area.

Therefore, it appears that establishing a movie theatre in a residential area is one of the worst ideas. The theater owners should ponder over the issue once again and should pick any commercial space for their purpose.

(Word count = 382)

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