Showing posts with label neighborhood-locality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neighborhood-locality. Show all posts

Friday 11 November 2016

A new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood

TOEFL Essay 51 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why?

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Living in a city is sometimes a complex issue because as an urban citizen, we are to experience a huge number of issues that we may not prefer. And building a new restaurant in the neighborhood will certainly add to the misery. Actually, I do not support the idea at all for some reasons. A detail discussion here will make it easier to understand my unwillingness about the plan.

The locality I live in the city is in a corner. In fact, my father had bought the plot in this corner to have some peace which is a rare thing in a busy city like Mumbai. I also invested with my father to build my home where I could have some peaceful moments with my family. But with the passage of time, the locality has increased and there is no more peace here. it is now a crowded place like the other parts of the city. The declaration to make a restaurant here will add the crowds which will contribute to making living conditions worse here.

Besides, when the restaurant will be opened here, the environment will also be polluted. Most of the restaurant owners are irresponsible and throw away their waste products. It appears that they do not have the minimum responsibility to keep the areas clean. Often the locals are to suffer the stench emitted from the rotten foods thrown here and there in the streets. In fact, this is a very usual practice for the existing restaurant owners. So, it cannot be ensured that the new restaurant will be an exception to this trend.

Moreover, when a new restaurant will be set up in the locality, there are chances that there will be a chance of conflicts among the restaurants. Actually, there are three restaurants are already operating their business. And the declaration of the fourth one may create a sense of rivalry among the restaurant owners. It may also lead to an unstable situation.

Therefore, based on the aforesaid grounds, I think this is not important to set another restaurant in my neighborhood. It may rise the chances of anarchy in the surrounding locality and damage the peaceful environment left here.

Thursday 6 October 2016

What are the qualities of a good neighbor?

TOEFL Essay 45 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor?

Use specific details and examples in your answer.

Model Answer:
Neighbors are the people we live with. They provide their helping hands to our needs. But not all the neighbors are good. After my private opinion, a good neighbor should have the following qualities.

Honesty is the best virtue. To be a good neighbor, you need to be honest in all senses. If you are dishonest, you cannot be a good neighbor. Or if your neighbors are dishonest, you cannot expect them to be supportive to you in your needs. They may deceive you at the time of your necessity.

The most important thing about a neighbor is to be helpful. And the supports are required suddenly when someone is not expecting any trouble at all. For instance, somehow you are locked in your room and need assistance to open the door from outside. You made a phone call to your neighbor to come and help you get out of the room. There might be two events here. firstly, your neighbor comes in to your help, and secondly, the neighbor did not pick the phone call despite several attempts. So, it is really important for a neighbor to be helpful.

Politeness is the other virtue that a neighbor should possess. In fact, it is really impossible to live with an impolite neighbor. You frequently hear the noise of dragging chair and table from your upper floor. You asked the neighbor living there to be careful with the issue. If the neighbor is polite, s/ he will try to prevent the noise. Or if the neighbor lacks the sense of politeness, the dragging will be continued.

Education is another important quality to be a good neighbor. Actually, it is education which creates a sense among people. If you have an educated neighbor, you will be beneficial by various means. When you will be in need of assistance, the neighbor will come directly to your help even before you ask for help to him or her. But if the neighbor is not educated to a standard level, you cannot expect the right support from them at the right moment.

In conclusion, I think these are the basic qualities for a good neighbor and therefore, we all should try to follow the qualities.

Sunday 13 September 2015

A new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood

TOEFL Essay 6 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.

It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why?

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Movies are usually made to amuse people. It helps them to get rid of their monotony. There are different types of movies available and all of them are not suitable for all types of audience. The easiest way to enjoy a movie is visiting the movie theater. The theaters are made in such attractive ways that the audiences feel great after watching the movie. Therefore, the importance of a movie theater cannot easily be ignored.

But I am opposing the idea to establish a movie theater in my neighborhood. There are few troubles when a movie theater is set up in a residential area. Usually, the movie theaters turn in to a crowded place as a large number of audiences come here to enjoy movies. But if the movie theatre is built in a residential area, the area will be uninhabitable for dealing with the large crowd.

The most shocking fact is that the residential area will rapidly turn into a commercial area or a commercial hub for different sorts of businessmen. When the movie theatre will be built in our neighborhood which still today is considered as a posh residential area of the city, the natural environment will be damaged greatly. We have a calm and peaceful environment around us. But when the mass audience will start coming, the peace will lose its natural charm and will be destroyed too.

Moreover, the movie theater needs a large space to be established. To set the theatre up, huge trees will be cut down by the authority. There are different types of trees have been planted in the area and all of them are grown up, used as nest by numerous birds. It is known to all that trees help to make the environment cool and lively.  If the trees are cut down, the ecology of the area will be under threat. The birds and other tiny insects living on the trees will lose their habitat and may get extinct too. The residents will also miss the natural shades and the heavenly setting of the area.

Therefore, it appears that establishing a movie theatre in a residential area is one of the worst ideas. The theater owners should ponder over the issue once again and should pick any commercial space for their purpose.

(Word count = 382)