Sunday 20 September 2015

Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories

TOEFL Essay 9 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Your University is planning to allow students to watch TV in their dormitories. What is your viewpoint on that? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Watching television is considered as a leading form of entertainment in the current days. It is one of the greatest sources of recreation to global people. Television is found almost everywhere in the planet and accordingly my university authority is planning to set up a television set inside the dormitory I am currently residing in. Earlier, the authority did not allow us to watch a television in our dormitory and even there was no television set too.

It appears to me that the decision is good enough for the students living in the dormitory. By watching television, we could be able to learn about the happenings. Although there are numerous channels showing a great number of programs, the dormitory students will be able to watch the news and educative events aired on the television channels. I think that the authority should have taken the decision before and that would be more helpful for the students to keep pace with the instant changing world.

Watching television has many advantages. The most important fact is that it provides us entertainment. Students who pass the day in stress may sit in front of a television set in the dormitory to enjoy the interesting programs and remove the monotony of the hectic working day. The programs are interesting and also help to enrich knowledge. There are some educative programs are also made aiming to increase attention over science. Some of the programs show us how to survive or use the common tools for survival. Moreover, the movies aired on the television channel provide us with great joy. Another most important benefit of television is the news it airs. The happenings of the world are found on the box and people could be informed about any of the happenings taking place in the remotest part of the world. So, watching television in the university dormitory has some positive impacts.

But there is nothing in the world without any detrimental impacts. Watching television has some disadvantages too. There are some students who always prefer to sit before the television set and enjoy their favorite programs. They do not bother about the preference of the remaining students. Besides, the students may not always watch the programs with educative value rather they prefer enjoying thriller movies, drama serials, cartoons and other unnecessary episodes. Sometimes they start quarreling over watching any specific program on any specific channel. Most of the time the student watch sports programs leaving behind their studies which may prove harmful for their education.

Such disadvantages may turn into major issues if not taken care of. I think a routine to watch television on the dormitory should be made and implemented by the authority so that all the students follow the routine and their academic improvements do not get hampered for watching television excessively.

(Word count = 465)

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