Wednesday 16 September 2015

A teacher’s ability to relate well with students

TOEFL Essay 8 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 


A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught. 

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Teachers are considered as the trainer to build a nation. They are responsible for building a nation and its future. If they could not teach or train the students well, it is anticipated that the nation is going to experience a heavy intellectual loss in future as when the kids will be running the state, they will lack the right intelligence to maintain their daily tasks or will lack the knowledge to differentiate between the right and the wrong since they did not have a proper educational setting. The duty of a teacher is to train the kids into a complete human being so that they could be able to navigate their upcoming days in the right direction.

A teacher is responsible for teaching any specific issue to the children at schools or educational institutions. Being a teacher requires not something special. Anyone could be a teacher if s/ he have some knowledge on any specific issue to be taught. But to be a good teacher, you need to achieve some certain qualities and you also have to demonstrate the quality in your everyday teaching at the institution.

Excellent subject knowledge is rarely enough to make you a good teacher rather you must have the quality to relate to the subject. If you are unable to explain the issues with real life examples, the students will not be able to get the topic properly. They may memorize the answers and write the memorized texts down on the answer script for passing the courses. They, in fact, will not learn anything that could be used in their regular life. Most of the students forget right after the exam that what they memorize for the exam preparation.

As a teacher or instructor, if you have a very good subject knowledge, it is expected that you will be able to take a good class. But if you lack to talk with the pupils or relate the subject issue to the real life events, your pupils will not learn anything useful from the class. You may read out the textbooks aloud in the classroom but your students will not be able to comprehend the text if you do not relate the text properly with their day to day life. There are many students who only learn by heart to satisfy the teacher or cross the levels, but on the opposite, an actual teacher satisfies the students with the ability to exemplify the issues and also increases the hunger for knowledge which is quite impossible by following the textbook lines.

Therefore, it appears that a teacher should be able to relate the subject with the students, invite them in a participatory process to discuss the issues and make the knowledge applicable to their respective lives. Excellent subject knowledge is not a must to be a better teacher or bloom in teaching. The teachers should be careful about the issue that they should also relate the subject with the students and it is unnecessary to finish a text by shouting in the class.

(Word count = 387)

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