Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts

Thursday 8 October 2015

Good teachers set challenging tasks for their students

TOEFL Essay 17 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Good teachers set challenging tasks for their students.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
A teacher is considered as the builder of a nation. The students whom he is teaching will be the future leaders. Thereby, the teaching method should be rock solid so that the students could survive in all the situations when they are grown up.

When a teacher teaches lessons, s/ he tries to make the lessons interesting to the pupils and sometimes the lessons are made challenging too. Actually, the lessons are made challenging based on some concrete grounds. The first and foremost cause is to make the students stronger over different issues they are experiencing. It is also helpful for them to survive in future. It is to be remembered that teaching is not limited only to reading textbooks or appearing on written examinations only. The range is vast and requires a special type of skill to spread the knowledge. The teachers are trained in ways to spread the knowledge needed for the students to be self-sufficient in their future days. Aiming to a better future, the teaching tasks are set in a challenging mode.

Teachers always want that their students to do better both in classes and out of the class environment. If the teachings are limited to books, the education will remain incomplete and thus the students will not be able to battle the harsh reality. Rather than reading aloud the theories in class, at times some of the teachers try to apply the theories in real life situation to analyze the real-life impacts on the students. When the theories are applied, students feel a sort of challenge.

Some of the students could overcome the challenges while most of them fail as they do not have the right intention or ability to adjust with the theories applied. Then the teachers set the challenges again for the failing students so that they could cope with the challenges. For instance, a science teacher may ask a student to bring a homework over any specific scientific issue that has been found in theories of the books. Usually, such home works are termed as projects.

When the student is asked to bring the project, the task becomes challenging for him/ her. To perform the project, the student may need to go to a specific shop selling the required scientific tools or chemicals to get the things required to complete the project. When the student will go shopping, it will help him/ her to get some real life skills. They will have the options to get familiar with the things which were unknown during the project completion. Moreover, they need to adopt several attempts to complete the project. Undoubtedly in the first chance, they will not be able to complete the project perfectly. They need to practice it several times and then the project will be done by the third of fourth chance. So, it is helping them to get familiar with the theories they go through the books they are assigned with. If the teacher did not ask to make the theory into a real life application, the theory would have remained theory to them for their lifetime.

Further, a sports teacher may ask a student to run for some moments or to perform some sort of exercise that has been taught in class. The task may appear challenging to the student, but if s/ he could perform the exercise, it will be helpful for them in the long run.

It appears that good teachers are the best friends of the students. The teachers always try to make the bookish things familiar to the students so that they could reap benefits from the theories in their real life.

(Word count = 611 )

Tuesday 6 October 2015

There is nothing that an uneducated person can teach an educated person

TOEFL Essay 16 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


There is nothing that an uneducated person can teach an educated person.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
Knowledge is a universal thing. It is not limited to the pages of textbooks or the books of general knowledge. Rather the sources of knowledge are vast and are found everywhere. In fact, there are many great philosophers, scientists, artists and enlightened people we can find in the history who did not have formal educations and yet they have passed their great knowledge to others and have made the world a better place to live in. I completely disagree that an uneducated person, who has no academic certificate, cannot teach an educated person.

But at times there are some misconceptions that knowledge could be found on books and only the educated people could teach. In fact, the idea is entirely wrong. Knowledge or education is not the issue to be taught only by the educated people. One can learn many unknown issues from an individual having less or no education too. A good number of debates have been created to prove it.

Learning cannot be accepted only from the learned teachers or educated people. It could also be achieved from the people of every stratum regardless of their academic status. Education is the way to be illuminated. It allows people to take the right decision to lead their life. It helps to pick the right from the wrong. It broadens the outlook. So, it is achievable from everyone, older or younger, educated or uneducated, rich or poor. For example, I have learned swimming and art from a relative who was uneducated in terms of formal education. Many values and moralities he has passed to others and because of that he was a respected man in our area. For instance, if someone, highly educated, wants to learn driving, then s/ he need to go to a driving school. But in most of the cases, the driving school staffs are actually less educated comparing the person they are teaching how to drive a car. Learning to drive a car is the application of earned knowledge from the training staffs in the daily life to make it more comfortable. Driving is also a form of education and they are learning the knowledge from someone less educated.

Further, if you want to learn cooking, you are to admit yourself at any restaurant or any catering institute for your first-hand experience. There you will be taught how to prepare foods, what temperature should be maintained, how long you have to cook, what ingredients to be used for specific kinds of cuisine, what to do to make the foods tastier and more other issues. But have you ever noticed your teacher who is teaching you to cook? Have you ever asked about his/ her academic skills? The answer is - no. You have never asked about the issue as you have not considered so. They are teaching you to cook and you are satisfied with learning the right ways to prepare foods. The academic status of the teachers is not considerable. But if you ever ask about the academic status, you will find that they are less educated or at times may have no education at all.   

Sometimes the people with less or no education have more knowledge and experience that we cannot gain those by reading books only. They become the pool of knowledge and have been surviving with the application of knowledge in their everyday life. So, if we have the misconception that we will get the education or learn something from only the educated individuals, we will be wrong.

We have to be more benevolent and respect all the people regardless the academic criterion. We truly will be educated when we could be able to learn anything from anyone with paying due respect.

(Word count = 620 )

Wednesday 16 September 2015

A teacher’s ability to relate well with students

TOEFL Essay 8 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 


A teacher’s ability to relate well with students is more important than excellent knowledge of the subject being taught. 

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Teachers are considered as the trainer to build a nation. They are responsible for building a nation and its future. If they could not teach or train the students well, it is anticipated that the nation is going to experience a heavy intellectual loss in future as when the kids will be running the state, they will lack the right intelligence to maintain their daily tasks or will lack the knowledge to differentiate between the right and the wrong since they did not have a proper educational setting. The duty of a teacher is to train the kids into a complete human being so that they could be able to navigate their upcoming days in the right direction.

A teacher is responsible for teaching any specific issue to the children at schools or educational institutions. Being a teacher requires not something special. Anyone could be a teacher if s/ he have some knowledge on any specific issue to be taught. But to be a good teacher, you need to achieve some certain qualities and you also have to demonstrate the quality in your everyday teaching at the institution.

Excellent subject knowledge is rarely enough to make you a good teacher rather you must have the quality to relate to the subject. If you are unable to explain the issues with real life examples, the students will not be able to get the topic properly. They may memorize the answers and write the memorized texts down on the answer script for passing the courses. They, in fact, will not learn anything that could be used in their regular life. Most of the students forget right after the exam that what they memorize for the exam preparation.

As a teacher or instructor, if you have a very good subject knowledge, it is expected that you will be able to take a good class. But if you lack to talk with the pupils or relate the subject issue to the real life events, your pupils will not learn anything useful from the class. You may read out the textbooks aloud in the classroom but your students will not be able to comprehend the text if you do not relate the text properly with their day to day life. There are many students who only learn by heart to satisfy the teacher or cross the levels, but on the opposite, an actual teacher satisfies the students with the ability to exemplify the issues and also increases the hunger for knowledge which is quite impossible by following the textbook lines.

Therefore, it appears that a teacher should be able to relate the subject with the students, invite them in a participatory process to discuss the issues and make the knowledge applicable to their respective lives. Excellent subject knowledge is not a must to be a better teacher or bloom in teaching. The teachers should be careful about the issue that they should also relate the subject with the students and it is unnecessary to finish a text by shouting in the class.

(Word count = 387)