Tuesday 21 June 2016

Some prefer to cook at home others to eat out

TOEFL Essay 33 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Some people prefer to cook at home. Other people prefer to eat out. Which do you prefer?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
We need foods to live on. It is a basic need for every living being. However, some of the people love to eat out while a notable portion takes foods at home. I prefer to take my foods at home, and there are some certain grounds behind this.

First of all, it is all about cleanliness. I am extremely conscious about the matter. I had found some untidy conditions in restaurants which discouraged me from taking meals out of home or at the restaurants. I do not blame all the restaurants but the majority of them are unaware of the cleanliness issues. So, taking foods in such places is impossible for me.

Saving of time is another reason for taking foods at home for me. In fact, when I am out of home to eat, I need to place an order and then have to wait. The foods are served when they have been cooked. It takes time. The time may vary from restaurants but I think I need to spend at least half an hour extra to get served. But if I take my meals at home, I do not need to waste such time. I can prepare the foods easily and thus can save the valuable time.

Pricing is the other concerning issue to eat out. Certainly, I am affluent enough to bear the costs of eating out. But in most of the cases, the costs are more than expected. In fact, there are some hidden costs that the restaurant owners do not reveal but add with the final bill. So, it increases the price than it was expected.

Besides, eating out requires some other matters like traveling out of the home with your car or need to ride on vehicles to reach the destination. In this case, you will need more time to reach your favorite place too. This is a type of time waste. But if you are at home, you do not need to do all the unnecessary things.

So, it is seen that the benefits of eating home are more than taking foods out of the home. Earlier, I did not understand the matter and took my meals at restaurants. But once I realized the matter, I started cooking foods at home. I really enjoy it.

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