Showing posts with label hobby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hobby. Show all posts

Monday 5 September 2016

Many people have a close relationship with their pets

TOEFL Essay 41 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Many people have a close relationship with their pets. These people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family. In your opinion, are such relationships good? Why or why not?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
This is a really very good trend to treat the pets as family members. In fact, I also treat my dog as one of my family members for many reasons. I strongly agree with the statement for the following reasons.

If you have a pet, you need to spend time with it. After a certain time, the pet will be your intimate and to be true, you cannot spend a single moment without the pet. The pet becomes your constant companion. It will move with you wherever you go or will be your partner in things you like to do. Further, there are many other benefits of having a pet. In consideration of all the matters, it is really important to have a pet. And keeping a close relationship with the pets is also useful to many other extents. Each of the pets has their distinctive features and they also try to provide a feedback to their owners. Actually, the relationship between the pet and the owner becomes too cordial that they the owners start believing the pets as family members.

On the other side, some people have pets for the exhibition. They always ignore the pets. As a result, they create a distance with the pets and they cannot expect any support from their pets. To me, this is really a very good trend to keep a good relationship with the pets. The pets become helpful if you maintain a warm relation with them. I have a dog and it is always beside me. When I need my car key, and cannot find it, the dog brings it to me. When I ride on my car, it comes with me to ensure if I have sat on the car safely. It takes a great care of me. And I do so for it. But if I did not have a good relationship with the pet, I think it would not be interested in me at all.

Based on the discussion above, it is evident that pets are like our family members and they could turn helpful for us in many ways. So, we should take a good care of them and maintain a good relationship as well.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Some prefer to cook at home others to eat out

TOEFL Essay 33 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Some people prefer to cook at home. Other people prefer to eat out. Which do you prefer?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
We need foods to live on. It is a basic need for every living being. However, some of the people love to eat out while a notable portion takes foods at home. I prefer to take my foods at home, and there are some certain grounds behind this.

First of all, it is all about cleanliness. I am extremely conscious about the matter. I had found some untidy conditions in restaurants which discouraged me from taking meals out of home or at the restaurants. I do not blame all the restaurants but the majority of them are unaware of the cleanliness issues. So, taking foods in such places is impossible for me.

Saving of time is another reason for taking foods at home for me. In fact, when I am out of home to eat, I need to place an order and then have to wait. The foods are served when they have been cooked. It takes time. The time may vary from restaurants but I think I need to spend at least half an hour extra to get served. But if I take my meals at home, I do not need to waste such time. I can prepare the foods easily and thus can save the valuable time.

Pricing is the other concerning issue to eat out. Certainly, I am affluent enough to bear the costs of eating out. But in most of the cases, the costs are more than expected. In fact, there are some hidden costs that the restaurant owners do not reveal but add with the final bill. So, it increases the price than it was expected.

Besides, eating out requires some other matters like traveling out of the home with your car or need to ride on vehicles to reach the destination. In this case, you will need more time to reach your favorite place too. This is a type of time waste. But if you are at home, you do not need to do all the unnecessary things.

So, it is seen that the benefits of eating home are more than taking foods out of the home. Earlier, I did not understand the matter and took my meals at restaurants. But once I realized the matter, I started cooking foods at home. I really enjoy it.

Monday 19 October 2015

Why do you think people visit museums?

TOEFL Essay 21 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Museums are the places where the relics and other historical and famous significances of any specific locality or geographical locations are stored to let people know about the past histories and traditions. Museums are the greatest source of receiving knowledge about any place within the shortest possible time and mostly they are entertaining as well.

When people go to a new place, by their natural curiosity they want to know about the history of the area and locality. If they start asking about the histories, they may not get the right answers and even the people of the location may not also provide the necessary supports in revealing the histories. Besides, museums educate people. Not only the historical elements are preserved in a museum, rather different study areas and research works are also exhibited in a museum as part of its expanding education and knowledge among the visitors.  The museum galleries turn into a live classroom for the visitors and they receive knowledge in an unconventional form.

Since there are different types of museums, the visitors become completely aware of the different issues. For instance, if the museum is about painting, the visitors will be able to know about painters of different eras and also would be aware of their painting themes. On the other hand, if the museum is related to science and inventions, the visitors will see different inventions of science and get familiar with the scientists too in a standard manner.

If the museum is about the culture of any location or nation, the past relics stored on the galleries allow the visitors to imagine the past days. Scenarios of past days become live before the visitors’ eyes, and they start imagining - how the days were, how people lived and about their customs and rituals. People mostly visit the foreign countries for entertainment and some other specific purposes. When the tour is for entertainment only, they visit the available and adjacent museums to know about the country. There are few museums which have all forms of galleries to make people aware of everything the country has or planning to prepare.

Additionally, museums inspire people to adopt newer practices and customs. When an individual observes something new in a museum during the travel, s/ he tries to adopt the specific feature in their daily lives and by this way, museums are inspiring the visitors in improving their livelihoods.

Therefore, it is a must for the tourist to pay a visit to the museums during their travel in foreign countries.

(Word count = 421 )