Thursday 2 June 2016

Some students prefer to study alone and others a group

TOEFL Essay 32 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study in a group of students. Which method do you prefer?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
There are some students who want to study alone while there is another group who prefer to be in groups while they are in the study. I prefer the second one for some specific reasons and get advantages as well.

Firstly, it is the extrovert people who do not want to be in a group. They study alone and suffer from several troubles during the exam. When you are alone, you cannot make all the answers or you will not have all the sheets to prepare the answers. When you will be with the other people, you will have chances for discussion. But If you are alone, you are deprived of the chances.

Secondly, when you are in a group, you will have more options to spread or gather ideas about any specific lessons. It becomes essential during the exam times. For instance, you need to know about any specific lesson or chapter that is important for the next day exam. If you are in a group, you may get help from any of the group members.

Thirdly, having a group of students help to be cheerful. By studying alone, you will not have that opportunity. You might feel bored or need to talk with others. But you will have none with you to be on your side. On the other sides, there are no such matters in a group. If you do not feel comfortable, you can share the matter with your group-mates. It will make you feel better.

Another important aspect of group study is instant support. In fact, a group is formed when all the members are of the similar mind. If they were not of the same category and capacity, the group would not have been formed. So, each of the members of the group is ready to support the other member in their needs.       

Based on the discussion above, it is evident that it is better to study in a group than studying alone. Besides, being an extrovert it is impossible for me to study alone. I always will prefer to be in a group. It will make me feel comfortable and cheerful to complete my academic activities.

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