Thursday 28 July 2016

Advertising directed toward young children should not be allowed

TOEFL Essay 37 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Television advertising directed toward young children (aged two to five) should not be allowed.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
In this modern age, the television advertisements are one of the strongest communication modes with the mass people. But there are some advertisements which are entirely made targeting the minor groups (aged two to five). Arguments go that those advertisements are not suitable for the children. But I strongly disagree with the statement for the following reasons.

Generally, the advertisements aired on television are colorful. They also have musical appeal. As a result, they arrest the attention of the audience regardless of age. But the advertisements which are made for the children aged from two to five are far more attractive than the advertisements made for the adults. The ad-makers are aware of the psychological aspects and impacts of the children. Accordingly, they select the content for their advertisement so that the children get attracted with the promotions and ultimately their products could be sold. So, there is nothing fishy here or the there are no chances at all to derail the young minds (which most of the parents are concerned about).

Moreover, the advertisements have some positive aspects as well that we do not care at all. The advertisements are able to hold the attention of the children. Not all the children are calm and quiet. Most of them are restless. So, when they are before the television set, they watch and enjoy the advertisements. They sit silently before the television set and watch the advertisements for a long time. By this time, they do not make any trouble for the parents. In fact, this is from my personal experience. My baby boy is restless round the day but when there are advertisements on Cartoon Network, he moves before the television set and starts enjoying the advertisements. This is a kind of a relief to me. I can focus on the other domestic activities. Switching on the television, I seek the channels intended for children and finally, stop at the Cartoon Network. If the advertisements were not there, it would have been really difficult for me to control this boy.   

To conclude the discussion, I think the advertisements for the children should be allowed but the contents should be more friendly to the children. There are no chances of denying the positive impacts of advertisements on the children.

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