Monday 31 October 2016

Which type of job would you choose?

TOEFL Essay 49 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Which would you choose - a high-paying job with long hours that would give you a little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends?

Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

Model Answer:
I would like to get the low paying job with a shorter working hour. I will pick that for some specific grounds. The reasons are described here.

A high paying job is always demanding and everyone is after that. They believe that it is money which only brings happiness to life. But I think they are unaware of the definition of happiness. It is the peaceful state of mind that money cannot bring. To earn the money (and happiness) they spend their life. They leave their families, family members and relations behind. They are in search of happiness but they do not get that. They need to show high performance for the high paid jobs. Thus they are unable to manage a little time for their families. A gradual distance is created among the family members.

On the other side, I prefer the low paid job because the working hours are lower. I will not need to stuck in office desk round the day. I would have the chances to go home early to meet my family members. Surely I will get a lower salary than that of the people who have a demanding job, but I will be able to have some quality time with my family. In fact, my family is my world and I earn from them. To me, it appears that if I earn for them, I also need to be with them. Certainly, my intentions are good that I want them to be happy. But it is not only money that can keep them happy. Rather, if I am with them and spend time, they would be happy from the heart.

Moreover, due to the lack of bond in families, the number of crime is on the rise. A recent study has found that majority of the teenage people are getting derailed as they do not have intimacy with their parents. Consequently, they are moving for drugs and getting involved in other anti-social activities. I do not want my kids to be so.

Therefore, I would always prefer a low-paying job than the job with a higher salary only to spend time with my family and friends. It will help to live a happy and enjoyable life.

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