Showing posts with label Jobs-career. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jobs-career. Show all posts

Saturday 26 November 2016

Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives

TOEFL Essay 53 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. 


Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Employees are hired to get the jobs done. But it is imperative not to hire employees for the entire lives. I do not agree with the statement for some grounds. I will describe the facts behind my opinion here.

Freedom is the key reason for not hiring employees for lives. It hampers the freedom of the employee. If the employee gets a better opportunity than the existing job, it becomes harder for him/ her to apply for and get the new job with better facilities. In most of the cases, the employees remain silent - they are recruited for life. This appears as a kind of human rights violation to me. It is also largely responsible to reduce the production quality when someone is engaged in a job for longer days. Actually, when they are asked to do the similar things, again and again, they cannot focus anymore on the duties because of boredom. Consequently, the production rate is reduced which ultimately brings a huge amount of loss for the business. Though the business wanted a sustainable employment for the employee, everything may not go as planned. It may have some negative work experiences with the employees too.

Besides, changing the career or job helps people to grow in a multifarious environment. Employees can have different types of experience in their career and they can apply the newly gained experiences in a newer environment. So, it is really a must for them to change the job. But if they are glued with a single job, they would get some certain experience.

I know one of my friends who has been working in a company for a long time but lost his peace of mind. He is unable to work smoothly. Another of my friends in switching jobs after every two or three years and he is having a very enjoyable life. The former one is leading a tired life though his job is secured while the later one is enjoying his life through changing the jobs. He is exploring the world, having newer experiences and completing his tasks efficiently.     

Therefore, considering the aforesaid reasons, I disagree with the aforesaid statement.

Monday 31 October 2016

Which type of job would you choose?

TOEFL Essay 49 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.


Which would you choose - a high-paying job with long hours that would give you a little time with family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends?

Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

Model Answer:
I would like to get the low paying job with a shorter working hour. I will pick that for some specific grounds. The reasons are described here.

A high paying job is always demanding and everyone is after that. They believe that it is money which only brings happiness to life. But I think they are unaware of the definition of happiness. It is the peaceful state of mind that money cannot bring. To earn the money (and happiness) they spend their life. They leave their families, family members and relations behind. They are in search of happiness but they do not get that. They need to show high performance for the high paid jobs. Thus they are unable to manage a little time for their families. A gradual distance is created among the family members.

On the other side, I prefer the low paid job because the working hours are lower. I will not need to stuck in office desk round the day. I would have the chances to go home early to meet my family members. Surely I will get a lower salary than that of the people who have a demanding job, but I will be able to have some quality time with my family. In fact, my family is my world and I earn from them. To me, it appears that if I earn for them, I also need to be with them. Certainly, my intentions are good that I want them to be happy. But it is not only money that can keep them happy. Rather, if I am with them and spend time, they would be happy from the heart.

Moreover, due to the lack of bond in families, the number of crime is on the rise. A recent study has found that majority of the teenage people are getting derailed as they do not have intimacy with their parents. Consequently, they are moving for drugs and getting involved in other anti-social activities. I do not want my kids to be so.

Therefore, I would always prefer a low-paying job than the job with a higher salary only to spend time with my family and friends. It will help to live a happy and enjoyable life.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

People work because they need money to live

TOEFL Essay 47 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

People work because they need money to live. What are some other reasons that people work? Discuss one or more of these reasons.

Use specific examples and details to support your answer.

Model Answer:
The majority of the people work to earn money for their living. But there are some other people who also work but not for money. They just need to do something or participate in any job. They also want to give something to the society. The facts will be clear by the following discussion.

The majority of the people work to support themselves. They need money to meet their daily needs and expenditures. So, they need a job too. But some other people have a different idea about life and living. To them, they not only work for the living, it is a passion to them. Getting engaged in a work helps to make them think that they are productive. The idea of becoming useless in the society is removed when someone is in work. In this case, this is not all about money.

Further, people work to meet some purposes. In fact, every work is done based on purposes and when you are done with the jobs, people feel a sense of accomplishment. The feeling is really outstanding and makes people different from others. It forms the individuality. As a result, people develop their self-identity. But if they do not have any job, they are deprived of this identity. Hence, to develop and maintain their identity, they need to do a job. In this case, this is not all about the salary that they get in exchange for their labor in the office.

Moreover, people get engaged with jobs to exhibit their creativities. For example, you might live in a nice apartment. Have you ever thought how it has been designed? You are getting a cool breeze and do not know how it is directed towards you. In fact, this is done by the perfect planning from the architect who designed the building. A dumb person cannot do something creative while you also need chances to show your creativity. A job brings the chance. It plays an important role to expose your inner self.

To wrap up, it seems that people do not only work for money. There are some other reasons too that make them interested in working.