Showing posts with label activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label activities. Show all posts

Thursday 29 December 2016

What do you do for good health?

TOEFL Essay 56 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good health?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
People follow a wide spectrum of practice and habits to remain healthy. Some have healthy diets while others do exercises. I like to exercise for a good health in the line of taking nutritious foods. The reasons are mentioned below behind selecting the exercise for my good health.

Exercises help to burn the unnecessary fats of the human body. The more we take foods, the more we develop unwanted pounds on the body. So, cutting them down is a precondition for a good health. Unless someone is giving up the extra pounds from the body, he cannot be a healthy human being. So, I take exercise to remove the excessive fats from me. And amid numerous types of exercises, I prefer swimming the most. It keeps me fresh and renews my motivations.

To make a long story short, I love swimming for some specific grounds. This is one of the best exercises I have ever experienced. There are a huge number of benefits of taking this exercise. It helps to increase the fitness level and thus keeps the swimmers fit. Swimming is able to transform our ordinary muscles in to super muscles. The other most impressive benefit of swimming is it helps as a full body workout. While using the gym, people take exercises with some sort of instruments. Those are set to benefit some specific body parts. But swimming on water helps differently. We need to move all of our limbs to swim. As a result, we get the workout of our entire body.

A good health is also linked with a stable mental state. When someone swims for half an hour a day, he gets a mental balance. The exercise will keep us calm around the day and also helpful in making important decisions. And when we are mentally strong, we feel relaxed even in a  complex situation.

I am a swimmer and swim about five to six hours in a week. As a result, I do not need to perform any other exercises. I also do not have the sweating issues while exercising. I am completely fit in all terms. Thus I prefer to have this exercise in line with a healthy lifestyle and foods for a good health.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Universities should give money to their students' sports activities

TOEFL Essay 20 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 


Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
A university is a place to transfers knowledge among the students to be applied in their future days. It is to be acknowledged undoubtedly that all the university students are highly meritorious, intelligent and smart as they undergo tougher and competitive tests before their admission in a university. Thus, they should be taken care of properly so that they could bloom when they enter into their professional life.

University students should exercise both physical and mental well-being. To be mentally fit and smart, they should use the library and should also have very good linkage with their textbooks but to be physically fit, they need to have regular exercise and participation is different sports activities too is a must.

There are some universities who spend money only for the buying books so that the students could have a good score in the exams and simply ignore the issue of their physical well-being. As a result, the students turn as the bookworms and cannot comply with the real lie world. They are not tailored so to survive.

Physical fitness is also a requirement to survive in the world and thus they need to have proper physical exercises and participation in the sports activities is the best way to bring the fitness. If the university authority does not provide with the necessary arrangements, the students will be unable to gain the fitness. Usually, the universities enrich their libraries with rare and expensive books to fill up the library shelves. Sometimes, most of the books are of no use except beautification and it is a kind of money wastage. Besides, some of the books are not allowed for the students as being rare and costly.

On the other side, if the authority invests the same amount of money that they usually spend for the libraries, the student could have done much better in their education. When they will be fit physically and mentally, they will be inspired to be attentive in their studies and consequently, their scores will go up, undoubtedly. For example, the students who are good at sports are good at study too, but the scenario is the opposite – all the good students are not good players.

Thereby, the university authorities should consider the issue and allot the same amount of money for the sports development of the university as they spend to enrich the libraries. Arranging a large field for sports activities will be a great help for the students and if not possible, a small gymnasium will do better.

(Word count = 421 )