Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts

Thursday 5 January 2017

Important qualities of a good supervisor

TOEFL Essay 57 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)?

Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

Model Answer:
Every individual has some sort of qualities while not all of them are beneficial. But in workplaces, an employee needs a good supervisor for a sustainable working environment and improved production. Some of the qualities that make a man as a good supervisor are discussed below.

A strong communication skill is a must for a good supervisor. In fact, without a strong communication, it is really difficult for a superior to make things clearer to the subordinates. In that case, there might be misunderstandings that may lead to unexpected situations. So, the supervisor needs to communicate effectively with his/ her subordinates. The supervisor also needs to be honest in terms of activities and nature. A dishonest supervisor is enough to make lives impossible of his subordinates.

In this case, I can recall the supervisor of my last job. He was a bit dishonest in nature and did not comply with the official rules and regulations. For him, the subordinates (including me) had to suffer a lot. H never admitted his faults and tried to shoulder the responsibilities on us when he was inquired by the authority. 

Possessing a positive attitude is another important quality for a supervisor. In fact, if the boss owns a negative outlook on everything, it is really difficult to work with him. There is a saying that positivity brings positivity. So, if the boss is positive in manner and outlook, it would be nice to work under him. And if the boss holds a negative attitude, you cannot get the peace of mind under his supervision. He will find your faults and will also try to defame you before the authority for the faults. But the boss with a positive attitude will show you your inabilities and will ask you in private to improve them.

A good supervisor is a good team player and always inspires his subordinates to perform better. When an employee finds the boss is working with them, the employee tries to deliver the best. And when the employee is inspired, he tries to work wholeheartedly. Consequently, the output increases.
Based on the discussion above, I think these are the basic qualities for a good supervisor. So, they should exercise the qualities in their daily life while dealing with their subordinates.