Showing posts with label good-qualities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label good-qualities. Show all posts

Thursday 4 May 2017

What are some important characteristics of a co-worker

TOEFL Essay 73 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)?

Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

Model Answer:
Working with different types of people is a very usual event in the present day. When working with a co-worker, the opposite person needs to have some important characteristics without which it is not possible to work with him or her. Some of the most important characteristics are explained here.

First of all, the co-worker needs to be sincere. In fact, people who are insincere in their duties are the people to create troubles in the workplace. They create some unwanted issues. For instance, someone told me that he had a colleague who is not sincere and for him, there are lots of troubles like the team failed to deliver the outputs in time. All the other team members had to work hard for reaching the deadline within the budget time. But if the man was sincere to his responsibilities, the teamwork would have been easier.

Besides, honesty is another important characteristic for a co-worker. If the co-worker is dishonest, it is really impossible to work for a long time and produce the desired outcome. The similar thing happened with another person. He got a co-worker who was dishonest in obeying the responsibilities. Whenever he was asked if he had completed the jobs, he would say that he did which was not true. Later, the work pressures were more that slipped the productivity.

Communication skill is another important aspect in this case. If the co-worker fails to communicate effectively, it becomes harder to complete the jobs. In fact, the miscommunication between the co-workers can lead to a great disaster that can cause serious troubles for the office.

Based on the aforesaid aspects, a co-worker should possess the characteristics. They are really important and a must for everyone who works in a team. Without the combined efforts, this is not possible to reach a common goal set from the office. A good co-worker also should adapt to changing situations, be helpful to other members and co-worker working around them.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Important qualities of a good supervisor

TOEFL Essay 57 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)?

Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

Model Answer:
Every individual has some sort of qualities while not all of them are beneficial. But in workplaces, an employee needs a good supervisor for a sustainable working environment and improved production. Some of the qualities that make a man as a good supervisor are discussed below.

A strong communication skill is a must for a good supervisor. In fact, without a strong communication, it is really difficult for a superior to make things clearer to the subordinates. In that case, there might be misunderstandings that may lead to unexpected situations. So, the supervisor needs to communicate effectively with his/ her subordinates. The supervisor also needs to be honest in terms of activities and nature. A dishonest supervisor is enough to make lives impossible of his subordinates.

In this case, I can recall the supervisor of my last job. He was a bit dishonest in nature and did not comply with the official rules and regulations. For him, the subordinates (including me) had to suffer a lot. H never admitted his faults and tried to shoulder the responsibilities on us when he was inquired by the authority. 

Possessing a positive attitude is another important quality for a supervisor. In fact, if the boss owns a negative outlook on everything, it is really difficult to work with him. There is a saying that positivity brings positivity. So, if the boss is positive in manner and outlook, it would be nice to work under him. And if the boss holds a negative attitude, you cannot get the peace of mind under his supervision. He will find your faults and will also try to defame you before the authority for the faults. But the boss with a positive attitude will show you your inabilities and will ask you in private to improve them.

A good supervisor is a good team player and always inspires his subordinates to perform better. When an employee finds the boss is working with them, the employee tries to deliver the best. And when the employee is inspired, he tries to work wholeheartedly. Consequently, the output increases.
Based on the discussion above, I think these are the basic qualities for a good supervisor. So, they should exercise the qualities in their daily life while dealing with their subordinates.

Thursday 6 October 2016

What are the qualities of a good neighbor?

TOEFL Essay 45 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor?

Use specific details and examples in your answer.

Model Answer:
Neighbors are the people we live with. They provide their helping hands to our needs. But not all the neighbors are good. After my private opinion, a good neighbor should have the following qualities.

Honesty is the best virtue. To be a good neighbor, you need to be honest in all senses. If you are dishonest, you cannot be a good neighbor. Or if your neighbors are dishonest, you cannot expect them to be supportive to you in your needs. They may deceive you at the time of your necessity.

The most important thing about a neighbor is to be helpful. And the supports are required suddenly when someone is not expecting any trouble at all. For instance, somehow you are locked in your room and need assistance to open the door from outside. You made a phone call to your neighbor to come and help you get out of the room. There might be two events here. firstly, your neighbor comes in to your help, and secondly, the neighbor did not pick the phone call despite several attempts. So, it is really important for a neighbor to be helpful.

Politeness is the other virtue that a neighbor should possess. In fact, it is really impossible to live with an impolite neighbor. You frequently hear the noise of dragging chair and table from your upper floor. You asked the neighbor living there to be careful with the issue. If the neighbor is polite, s/ he will try to prevent the noise. Or if the neighbor lacks the sense of politeness, the dragging will be continued.

Education is another important quality to be a good neighbor. Actually, it is education which creates a sense among people. If you have an educated neighbor, you will be beneficial by various means. When you will be in need of assistance, the neighbor will come directly to your help even before you ask for help to him or her. But if the neighbor is not educated to a standard level, you cannot expect the right support from them at the right moment.

In conclusion, I think these are the basic qualities for a good neighbor and therefore, we all should try to follow the qualities.

Sunday 25 October 2015

What are the qualities you value most in a friend?

TOEFL Essay 27 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

What are the qualities you value most in a friend? Has your opinion about what makes a good friend changed as you have grown older?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Friendship might be the oldest relationship in the world and has been being practiced from time immemorial. Friendship is the closest bonding after the family relations. But a friend should have some qualities.

Sincerity is the most important thing for a sustainable friendship and even it is important for all other relationships too. But to be a good friend, one should have the quality of being a sincere person. It may happen that you are responsible for keeping a promise and due to your indifference, you failed to keep the promise. In a word, you are insincere. None will be with you for your insincerity. Honesty is another must to be a friend. Everybody loves honest people and they are respected too for exercising their honesty. If a man is dishonest, it is impossible for him to be a friend. Initially, he might gain trust from the other people who consider him as a friend, but when the dishonesty will be revealed, people will ignore him. I prefer honesty than rich in my friends.

Kindness is the other virtue that a man should possess to be a friend. If you are unkind, you will not provide any sort of help to your friends in time of their danger. If you lack kindness, you will also never get help from your friends at your needs as you refused them earlier. Selflessness is another quality that a friend should exercise. Most of the people, including me as well, prefer friends who are selfless. The people who rush for any support without thinking about the consequence or their own benefits are the real friends. So, selflessness is one of the desired virtues that people seek in their friends.

Easy going is the other quality of a friend because if the friend creates a sense of invisible boundary around him or her, it becomes difficult to share emotions and feelings with him or her. So, easy going nature is also sought by the people to make friendship.

In my personal experiences, I have seen many changes in friendships. In my early days, I had a friend who has changed a lot in this adulthood and stopped socializing with me from the early days of our childhood because of his arrogance. Moreover, friends get changed for some other reasons and the causes are different during different age range. In teenage, usually friendship changes for some specific issues like not helping in an exam or preparing lessons, issues related to having affair with girlfriends (it happens that two of the boys fall for a single girl and accordingly their friendships changes), misunderstanding over different issues etc.

But if someone gets a good friend with all the necessary qualities, the friendship remains the same round their life. In my college days, I have seen the friendships are broken for petty issues and the friends did not even talk or socialize today. Further, I have seen people who are friends from their childhood and never had a single disagreement or quarrel over any issues. So, this is about picking the right friends.

(Word count = 512)

Saturday 10 October 2015

A good sense of humor is one of the most important human qualities

TOEFL Essay 19 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 


A good sense of humor is one of the most important human qualities.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
Human being is the best creation in the universe. They are the best because of different reasons and quality and a good sense of humor is one of them. Without the sense of humor, one cannot live a happy life.

A sense of humor is the quality to appreciate the humor without being affected negatively by them. It does not mean that you are to memorize each and every joke you hear and have to deliver them in different conversational events, or you are to response to every issue you are hearing or dealing with. The sense of humor refers to appreciate the situation where the jokes are cracked, conversations are held and even if it is meant for or against you, you have to keep away from the negative consequences. Rather, you are to look and judge the issue from a different perspective.

As humans, we are blessed with different qualities including good and bad. We are considerate, by the same time some of us are inconsiderate. Some of us are highly intelligent and smart while some others are dumb to a great level. Some of us like to be calm and quite while some become angry easily. But anger is one of the most unwanted features of human beings as when they get angry, they start destructive activities of different scales. If you lack a good sense of humor, easily you could turn angry with the speeches you are listening or if something is thrown at you mockingly at any public forum. For instance, you are attending a public ceremony where all of your familiar people are present and making fun of each other. Someone cracked a joke and you got hurt as you lack the sense of humor. You do not have the idea how to appreciate the joke or how to avoid the comments inflicted upon you, technically. So, as a result, you are standing alone, away from the other guests, or you just left the party. Simply you missed the party and all the fun.

But think of the scenario from the opposite point of view. Someone cracked a joke which is related to you or has some similarity with your personal experience. What did you do? You just made a hilarious reply in exchange of the joke. The environment becomes friendly. Everyone starts appreciating your sense of humor. Your relation with the other invited turns warm and pleasant. You have gained a large number of your new friends and well-wishers on your real life list from the ceremony or party whatever it is.

Thereby, it appears that being a positively responsive man, you could gain many things. But on the contrary, if you react negatively to the issues related to you, you are the loser. Your social life will be lost. You will lose your friends and community. If you do not develop a good sense of humor, you are unable to lead a prosperous life. If you keep continuing such negative reactions, you are to suffer in the long run. The most important issue is that you will lose your tolerance ability over petty issues like negative remarks. It will block your way of marching ahead. But if you develop a sense of humor, you will march ahead. Nothing will be able to hinder your progress.

Moreover, a good sense of humor will make your relationships with the other people warm and responsive. People will be amazed over your appreciations and the quality of thinking and analyzing things from several angles and perspectives, and ability to change the situations efficiently. Therefore, a good sense of humor is considered as one of the most important qualities of human beings.

(Word count = 609 )