Monday 7 September 2015

Television has destroyed communication among friends and family

TOEFL Essay 3 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Television has destroyed communication among friends and family.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
We are in the age of modernization and communication. Modern Science is at the peak and has blessed us greatly with its unimaginable gifts that were never seen or imagined before. With the advancement of science and technology, the human race is marching towards more advancement in every of its minutes. Television is a great medium for entertainment and communicating information.

Television, no wonder, is one of the greatest inventions of all times and allows people to learn about the news and information of the remotest part of the world. The visual representation is the most attractive thing and thus people watch television for their recreation. But it has some detrimental effects too which is entirely unwanted and leading the viewers towards isolation.

Generally, the television shows are interesting and people like to watch them in their leisure hours. As a result, the number of television channels has increased globally, television programs are diversified and most of the television stations broadcast the programs around the day. Even there are channels which do not get closed for a single moment round the year as they have a great competition to attract the viewers.

As a result, the common people are getting more attracted to television channels. They prefer sitting before the television set whenever they could manage time. Even there are people who take breaks or return from their jobs early only to enjoy their favourite television programme. They enjoy the programmes very well.

Unfortunately, they are entirely unaware of the fact that they are losing their social and communal relations. When they get back at home, they take seats before the television set and watch the programs. But once when the television was not discovered or the number of stations was limited, people used to spend most of their leisure hours with their friends of family members. The inter-personal relationships were jovial and people used to miss each other.

But with the advanced science and technological inventions, people are reluctant to spend time outside. Seating before the television set is preferable to them now. If such trends continue, someday it may happen that social relations will disappear from the society. The bondage will decline.

Therefore, the people who watch television more than spending some quality moments with their family, kids, friends and other relations should be careful about the issue or they may turn looser in such relations in the upcoming days.

(Word count = 405)

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