Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts

Monday 29 August 2016

Telephones and email have made communication less personal

TOEFL Essay 40 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
At present, telephones and emails are the most desired ways of communication. But unluckily, they are making the communication among people less personal. They only use the communication modes to deliver necessary messages and information. I do strongly agree with the statement for the following reasons.

Before the invention of the telephone or email, communication was not so easy. People wrote letters and it took time for the letters to reach the desired destinations. However, the letters were filled with emotions and the recipients became glad about the letters. It was a kind of blessing to receive a letter from someone. Both the sender and receivers were happy. And the information in the letter was private. But with the change of time and technology, people are using email and telephone. They can send messages instantly from one place to another. But those messages are without any emotions and only contain the necessary information. Actually, they are less private than the letters of the past days.

Moreover, when you are talking on a telephone or reading an email, there are chances that you will be surrounded by people. So, if the message sender tells or sends you something confidential, you are unable to keep it a secret. People around you will come to know about the matters by your conversations. They may also read the email if you become unaware about the Secrecy. But there are fewer chances of exposure with letters written on paper. In last week, I had got an invitation to a job interview and they phoned me. I had to respond and everyone around me came to know that I was trying for another job that I did not want them to know in the beginning.

Therefore, I strongly agree with the statement that telephones and emails have made communication less personal. In fact, often it becomes difficult to maintain the privacy with these mediums. Although there is a little privacy is kept with the email communication, but you would be unable to keep the privacy with the telephone. Your communication will be less personal and you will not even know that.

Sunday 25 October 2015

What are the qualities you value most in a friend?

TOEFL Essay 27 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

What are the qualities you value most in a friend? Has your opinion about what makes a good friend changed as you have grown older?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Friendship might be the oldest relationship in the world and has been being practiced from time immemorial. Friendship is the closest bonding after the family relations. But a friend should have some qualities.

Sincerity is the most important thing for a sustainable friendship and even it is important for all other relationships too. But to be a good friend, one should have the quality of being a sincere person. It may happen that you are responsible for keeping a promise and due to your indifference, you failed to keep the promise. In a word, you are insincere. None will be with you for your insincerity. Honesty is another must to be a friend. Everybody loves honest people and they are respected too for exercising their honesty. If a man is dishonest, it is impossible for him to be a friend. Initially, he might gain trust from the other people who consider him as a friend, but when the dishonesty will be revealed, people will ignore him. I prefer honesty than rich in my friends.

Kindness is the other virtue that a man should possess to be a friend. If you are unkind, you will not provide any sort of help to your friends in time of their danger. If you lack kindness, you will also never get help from your friends at your needs as you refused them earlier. Selflessness is another quality that a friend should exercise. Most of the people, including me as well, prefer friends who are selfless. The people who rush for any support without thinking about the consequence or their own benefits are the real friends. So, selflessness is one of the desired virtues that people seek in their friends.

Easy going is the other quality of a friend because if the friend creates a sense of invisible boundary around him or her, it becomes difficult to share emotions and feelings with him or her. So, easy going nature is also sought by the people to make friendship.

In my personal experiences, I have seen many changes in friendships. In my early days, I had a friend who has changed a lot in this adulthood and stopped socializing with me from the early days of our childhood because of his arrogance. Moreover, friends get changed for some other reasons and the causes are different during different age range. In teenage, usually friendship changes for some specific issues like not helping in an exam or preparing lessons, issues related to having affair with girlfriends (it happens that two of the boys fall for a single girl and accordingly their friendships changes), misunderstanding over different issues etc.

But if someone gets a good friend with all the necessary qualities, the friendship remains the same round their life. In my college days, I have seen the friendships are broken for petty issues and the friends did not even talk or socialize today. Further, I have seen people who are friends from their childhood and never had a single disagreement or quarrel over any issues. So, this is about picking the right friends.

(Word count = 512)

Monday 7 September 2015

Television has destroyed communication among friends and family

TOEFL Essay 3 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Television has destroyed communication among friends and family.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
We are in the age of modernization and communication. Modern Science is at the peak and has blessed us greatly with its unimaginable gifts that were never seen or imagined before. With the advancement of science and technology, the human race is marching towards more advancement in every of its minutes. Television is a great medium for entertainment and communicating information.

Television, no wonder, is one of the greatest inventions of all times and allows people to learn about the news and information of the remotest part of the world. The visual representation is the most attractive thing and thus people watch television for their recreation. But it has some detrimental effects too which is entirely unwanted and leading the viewers towards isolation.

Generally, the television shows are interesting and people like to watch them in their leisure hours. As a result, the number of television channels has increased globally, television programs are diversified and most of the television stations broadcast the programs around the day. Even there are channels which do not get closed for a single moment round the year as they have a great competition to attract the viewers.

As a result, the common people are getting more attracted to television channels. They prefer sitting before the television set whenever they could manage time. Even there are people who take breaks or return from their jobs early only to enjoy their favourite television programme. They enjoy the programmes very well.

Unfortunately, they are entirely unaware of the fact that they are losing their social and communal relations. When they get back at home, they take seats before the television set and watch the programs. But once when the television was not discovered or the number of stations was limited, people used to spend most of their leisure hours with their friends of family members. The inter-personal relationships were jovial and people used to miss each other.

But with the advanced science and technological inventions, people are reluctant to spend time outside. Seating before the television set is preferable to them now. If such trends continue, someday it may happen that social relations will disappear from the society. The bondage will decline.

Therefore, the people who watch television more than spending some quality moments with their family, kids, friends and other relations should be careful about the issue or they may turn looser in such relations in the upcoming days.

(Word count = 405)

Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship

TOEFL Essay 2 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
A relationship is one of the most blessed things of the world. It is made of mutual trusts, love, sincerity, respects towards the partner, mutual understanding and some other correlated issues. Relationships are not perfect always rather it needs to be made so. The partner may not be the right one, or the decisions once taken to get the partner may prove wrong. It happens mostly due to the lack of mutual trusts. Truth is definitely a strong pillar to keep any relationship alive.

Truth is the only thing that can make people trustworthy or disloyal to the surroundings, and thus I believe that telling the truth is considered as one of the most important pillars that helps to stand the relationship firmer. Truth has unimaginable power to influence the relationship. It helps to make or break the relation within a few seconds.

For instance, one may have some bitter pasts and s/ he is haunted by the past events. Forgetting the past is not only the solution and many of them cannot do. Therefore, in such situations, if someone is planning to get a new partner, they should make the past clear to the prospective partner. It helps to make the relationship transparent and a mutual respect is created between the partners.

But if the past events are hidden from the partner and s/ he comes to know about the fact somehow (usually such ill tricks are played by third parties to get some fun and ruin the relationship), the impacts are devastating. As a result, you are to lose your own reliability to your partner. If trust broken once, it is impossible regain. Consequently, you are to lose your partner with whom you could have a better future. Moreover, you may also lose respect as a friend or familiar. While money, blind belief, respect and benefits can be some ingredients to sustain a relationship, lies kill any relationship slowly.

Therefore, it is highly imperative to tell the truth about you if you have any and you consider that is important enough for your partner to know. If you are meant to be with your partner, s/ he will not leave you even after knowing the darkest past of yours. So, do not lie to your partner if you want a strong relationship, be it a friend, family member or someone else.

(Word count = 394)