Showing posts with label children-childhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children-childhood. Show all posts

Thursday 2 February 2017

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside

TOEFL Essay 61 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city.

Do you agree or disagree? 

Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.

Model Answer:
Living in an urban setting may provide some specific benefits but I prefer to nurture children in a countryside. In fact, children who are growing up in countryside enjoy some special benefits than the children growing up in a big city. The reasons are described here.

My view may differ than other people as the larger cities come with great features like larger educational institutions, modern facilities, job opportunity, and many more. But the most important thing is missing there. There is no modest home in a large city. Most of the people live in rented houses and apartments. So, they are unable to enjoy the life. But in the countryside, people live in their own house and the children have the greater chances to meet with their respective community. When they meet with their own people, they grow a deep sense of life and living which they cannot have in the city.

Countryside lifestyle is simple. It teaches to live simply and enjoy the nature. The living is safe and free form city hustles. So, when the children are grown up in the countryside, they come to know about some particular things about life which are absent among the children who have been growing up in large cities. They can participate in the community events, socialize with their neighbors, know how to evaluate people and much more real-life matters. But the children in large cities are not accustomed to such matters.

The other important thing about growing up in a countryside allows living in a peaceful environment free of noise and pollution. Most of the large cities are polluted in various ways and living is really difficult for the excessive pollution. But the countryside is free of the issues and a healthy living is ensured. Besides, the countryside is filled with the cordiality of people and less crime rate has made it more attractive. Enjoying the natural views is the other benefit of living in a countryside. The children will also get a safe and secure environment to grow up which is unavailable in the city.

Finally, it appears that children should be grown up in a countryside so that they could know about the real-life play their respective role in the society.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Childhood is the happiest time of a person's life

TOEFL Essay 13 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 


Childhood is the happiest time of a person's life.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
Childhood is the best period of a human’s life and everyone would say that if there were a time machine, they would have returned to their childhood to enjoy the days again. The enjoyments and the feelings of the early days are truly unforgettable in life.

Undoubtedly, childhood is the best and happiest time for us all. The memories of childhood remain vivid even before leaving the last breath. Those were the days when people used to create a lot of nuisance, complexities, and troubles with the other kids, but in return, they were not punished or beaten rather been loved by all for their badly behaved nature and provided a form of amusement to the adults. It was like a relief for the adults to listen over the incidents the kids have done.

This is the time when people do not have to think about consequences of committing any mistakes or minor crimes like breaking down something, stealing bucks from papa’s wallet, go away with friends of similar age without providing any notice to parents, visiting friends as and when intended, bunking classes for hiking, travelling or watching movies at theaters and more other issues that could not be described in words. The children could have done these as in the childhood they are not accountable to their parents or the society for their childish deeds.

But when they turn adult, they have to be sensible and accountable for everything even for their speeches too. They need to be aware always of their activities and be sensitive lest they hurt someone. They are to abide by the social norms and customs in their adult age and are to exercise the standard practices of courtesy and manners in their day to day life. Sometimes, the life turns boring and complex to them for the routine-bound life. Unfortunately, they do not have the option to break the daily schedules amid thousand of business and that will seem weird to the society.

But in childhood, when the classes turned boring in the early summer days, the kids planned to bunk classes, get a bath on a river or any adjacent lake, and return home with the wet cloth when the class hours are gone. Some of the clever kids used to put on the wet clothes so that those get dried by the body temperature and it was aimed to hide things from parents (although the parents were unaware of the bunking!).

During the vacations, the kids visited different places all by themselves and did not take financial or other forms of support from the adult people. Different events and fun took place at the visiting spots which turned into never dying memories for them. But in the adulthood, they recall the memories in the leisure hours and lament for those days.

Hence it appears that childhood is the best time for a man’s life. The memories are unending and everyone wants to get back on the days once more in their life. The friends, the living places, the never-ending fun, the quarrels between friends over minor matters etc. turn the biggest treasure for the adults.

(Word count = 528 )

Monday 7 September 2015

For children, it is better to grow up in the country than in the city

TOEFL Essay 4 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

For children, it is better to grow up in the country than in the city.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
Children are considered as the future of a nation. The future improvements of a nation actually depend on the children. Someday they will be the nation’s leader and the nation will move for further development under their directions and initiatives. Therefore, taking the right care for the children is a highly important issue for all of us. Many of the people do not have any clear conception to grow up their kids. They are unaware of some important fact about growing up their kids.

Most of the parents are one the view that if the kids live with them in the city, then the kids will be smarter than the kids living in the countrysides. But the idea is wrong. Living in a city always never points that the kids or children will be smarter or more educated than the country kids. The educational system is almost same everywhere in the European subcontinent. So, if you are living in a countryside of the subcontinent, certainly the kids will be able to have a better education.

Moreover, the natural environments of the country areas, which are unavailable in all of the cities across the world, are charming. They help to boost the mental and creative faculty of the children. They learn to think and with proper direction may start exercising their latent talents. The open sky, playing fields, riversides etc. are the most favorable places for them. They can spend their leisure hours on the places. Sometimes the prairie fields also turn a heaven for the kids when they meet in groups and enjoy different games and sports.

But the children in the cities do not have such options. The life in the cities is mechanic. All they have to do is following routines. As a result, the hidden talents of the children do not bloom. They cannot even think clearly over any issue. They lock themselves in a box. But on the other side, the country children are intelligent enough to use their brains and they also think differently.

So, if you want your child to be smarter and intelligent, you should allow them to grow up in the country side with the association of Mother Nature as she is the best teacher.

(Word count = 374)