Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Sunday 12 February 2017

Students nowadays can learn more information

TOEFL Essay 62 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Model Answer:
This is the advanced age and technology is everywhere. The use of technology has covered all the spheres of life including education as well. So, it has become easier for the students to learn newer information and focus on their studies. I completely agree with the statement for the following reasons.

Technology is a constant tool for the students. They can get help from this tool in various ways. The most important issue about technology is that the students can get help from it at any time of the day. In past, students had to meet their teachers to know about any specific issue. But with the improved technology, they do not need to wait for any more for their teachers. They can get the knowledge from the Internet or from any other sources. Moreover, using technology for gathering knowledge does not consume time at all. This is a quicker process. And it also requires a lower cost to apply for academic purposes.

Besides, with the use of technology, education has become easier than ever. Earlier, the teachers used to take classes using books. All the students also had to carry the books and to be frank, it was really an unwanted matter for the majority of the students. Punishments for not bringing books was a common issue from the teachers. But with the help of technology, education has become changed. The teachers do not use books to teach in the class rather they prefer multimedia systems for teaching. This is a rapid change in the education and helping the students to learn quickly. The multimedia system allows adding data, images and other necessary tools for easy learning of the students. Distance learning is another impressive benefit by the technology.

To conclude the discussion, it appears that technology is really an important tool in the present day for the development of education. It is a better way for the students to learn something new. They do not even need to be physically present in the classrooms to learn something new or attend the class. They can do the activities sitting at home. Only technology has made it for them. So, undoubtedly technology is a great tool for the students.

Friday 30 September 2016

Governments should spend money on developing or buying computer technology

TOEFL Essay 44 with the model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Some people think that governments should spend as much money as possible on developing or buying computer technology. Other people disagree and think that this money should be spent on more basic needs.

Which one of these opinions do you agree with? 

Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Model Answer:
A government always wants to keep its people in peace and prosperity. It also wants to move for development and thus takes necessary initiatives. Buying computer technology is one of the attempts for development while some other groups are against this decision. I also disagree that the money spent on buying technology should be used for fulfilling basic needs for the following grounds.

Many of the people in the country need to meet their basic needs. They cannot meet their needs for many reasons. They might not have their jobs, or they might be suffering in malnutrition and much more. In fact, keeping a large population behind, it is impossible to move for development. Buying technology or computers is the process that will lead us to development. But if the population is unable to use the technology or get benefitted by the technology, then for whom the development is intended? At first, the government needs to take care of its population. And then it would be wise if the government plans for development.

Besides, when people of a state sees that the government is more concerned about the technological advancement instead of the human resources, they feel a sense of inferiority complex. It hampers their mental growth and they become unable to participate in any development activities. Such a complex creates a barrier for the development in real-life of the people. And hence, the government should avoid taking such measures that will hamper development for a country in a real sense.

So, I think the government could adapt some steps that could be useful for both the population and the development. If some of the funds, from the technological advancement sources, could be spent improving the lives of the marginal people, it would help greatly to develop their lives. Moreover, when the lives of such people will be developed, they would be able to use the technology in their regular life and get in touch with the development.

To end the discussion, once the basic needs are fulfilled, the people would be able to focus on the technological issues. Therefore, I think the desired development will occur if this structure is followed.

Monday 29 August 2016

Telephones and email have made communication less personal

TOEFL Essay 40 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


Telephones and email have made communication between people less personal.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
At present, telephones and emails are the most desired ways of communication. But unluckily, they are making the communication among people less personal. They only use the communication modes to deliver necessary messages and information. I do strongly agree with the statement for the following reasons.

Before the invention of the telephone or email, communication was not so easy. People wrote letters and it took time for the letters to reach the desired destinations. However, the letters were filled with emotions and the recipients became glad about the letters. It was a kind of blessing to receive a letter from someone. Both the sender and receivers were happy. And the information in the letter was private. But with the change of time and technology, people are using email and telephone. They can send messages instantly from one place to another. But those messages are without any emotions and only contain the necessary information. Actually, they are less private than the letters of the past days.

Moreover, when you are talking on a telephone or reading an email, there are chances that you will be surrounded by people. So, if the message sender tells or sends you something confidential, you are unable to keep it a secret. People around you will come to know about the matters by your conversations. They may also read the email if you become unaware about the Secrecy. But there are fewer chances of exposure with letters written on paper. In last week, I had got an invitation to a job interview and they phoned me. I had to respond and everyone around me came to know that I was trying for another job that I did not want them to know in the beginning.

Therefore, I strongly agree with the statement that telephones and emails have made communication less personal. In fact, often it becomes difficult to maintain the privacy with these mediums. Although there is a little privacy is kept with the email communication, but you would be unable to keep the privacy with the telephone. Your communication will be less personal and you will not even know that.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Widespread use of the Internet has given people access to information

TOEFL Essay 15 with model answer:

Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. You should write at lease 300 words.

The widespread use of the Internet has given people access to information on a level never experienced before. How does this increase in the availability of information influence life in today's world? 

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Model Answer:
In the 21st century, we are experiencing the latest inventions regarding information and technology. Communication and information sharing have become easier than ever before. The modern life is highly influenced by the information.

In the modern business world, it is said that every single penny among the six travel through the internet. How does it happen? Is the statement really true or some sort of propaganda? In fact, the statement is 100 percent correct. It happens for the use of information and technology massively in the everyday life of the global populations.

Due to the improvement of the technology and the wide use of the internet, people could reach the farthest corner of the world within a few clicks on a computer. The internet is the greatest blessing for the mankind and allows them to access the pool of information they require in their regular life or activity. Earlier, it was told that people cannot do without newspapers in a day, but the saying should be changed with the following statement – people cannot do without the internet for a moment.

Internet and access to the internet are highly essential in our everyday life. People are in need of information. The information is not limited to any specific category or class. The required information range is unlimited. The internet is able to meet the increasing demands of the people by providing the exact information to meet their daily needs. It is done by different complicated ways.

Whatever the ways are followed to provide the information, the use is the most important issue for the information. Someone is having trouble to set up a microwave oven, after searching on the internet, s/ he will get the proper instructions. Someone is having trouble to tie the shoe laces, the internet is there with the right information – ‘How to tie shoelaces’ or ‘Top 10 shoelace knots’ etc. Even if someone needs to have an air jump, the instructions are there on the internet. What you need is just to type the words you need for and start exploring the resources.

But earlier, it was not possible for people to perform the tasks so easily. If you owned a microwave oven, you needed to have a technician to set the oven up at your home. Or if you did not know to tie the shoe lace, it was eh parents or adults who helped you to get the thing done. With the help of  the internet, you are allowed to access the information you need and you are having so in a rapid manner.

As a result, our life has become greatly influenced by internet and information. It has made our life comfortable and the most important thing is that we are learning things to do by ourselves. We are so influenced by the internet and the access to information that we cannot do a single second in a day without this. It is a must for us to have the internet connection at our home, office and in the current days, the cellular subscribers are also offering different internet packages for the users so that they could be in touch of information technology around the day.

(Word count = 522 )